Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Hirota Tsuu (廣田痛) is an illustrator who often goes by the aliases HOLLOWWOOD or RAID (れいど). They frequently collaborated with VOCALOID producer Nuyuri, creating many illustrations for his songs. However, Hirota Tsuu has a tendency to delete their posts, so there are currently few illustrations left that have been reuploaded without permission.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Anti-Money" (アンチマネー) Kasane Teto Aug 18, 2024 illustration
"Banbutsuruten" (万物流転)
(Panta Rhei)
flower Aug 11, 2023 illustration
"Decadism" (ディカディズム) flower and Xin Hua Apr 11, 2018 illustration
"Fragile" (フラジール) GUMI Sep 10, 2016 illustration
"Iria" (イリア) KAFU Jul 6, 2023 illustration
"Lonely Dance" (ロンリーダンス) flower Oct 22, 2018 illustration
"Phorograph" (フォログラフ) GUMI Dec 24, 2016 illustration
"Proto Disco" (プロトディスコ)
flower Nov 8, 2017 illustration
"Shuumatsu ja nai" (終末じゃない)
(Not an end)
flower and Xin Hua Jul 27, 2018 illustration
"Terminal" (ターミナル) GUMI Jan 7, 2018 illustration
"vivid a" flower and Kaai Yuki Mar 5, 2021 character design, illustration
"Zarubara" (ザルバラ) flower Aug 16, 2019 illustration
"Zero de Waru" (ゼロで割る)
(Division by Zero)
flower Sep 25, 2017 illustration