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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Happppy song
Song title
"Happppy song"
Original Upload Date
January 27, 2018
Kagamine Len
SOOOO (music, lyrics)
Inoue Kawazu (illustration)
50,000+ (NN), 2,700,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji Official English
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
貴方「は」【人間(HUMAN) anata "wa" 'HUMAN' You "are" 【HUMAN BEING】
楽しい? tanoshii? Are you having fun?

あぁ aa Ah
自嘲 止まらない jichou tomaranai I can't stop mocking myself
自暴 終わらない jibou owaranai I can't stop being desperate
自傷 辞められない jishou yamerarenai I can't stop hurting myself
海馬にトロけた喜劇な陰鬱でSSS級中毒乱舞 kaiba ni toroketa kigeki na in'utsu de SSS kyuu chuudoku ranbu Dancing with SSS-grade addiction due to the comedic depression melted in the hippocampus
当たり前が出来ない atarimae ga dekinai I can't do even simple things
あれも出来ない are mo dekinai I can't do that
これも出来ない kore mo dekinai I can't do this
そうだ、きっと、 sou da, kitto, Yes, I bet
僕はこの世界の奇跡なんだ boku wa kono sekai no kiseki nanda I am a miracle of this world

I am sooo happpy, blessing to this world

僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
由々しい? yuyushii? Is it serious?
貴方「は」【幸せ(HAPPY) anata "wa" 'HAPPY' You "are" 【HAPPY】
嬉しい? ureshii? Are you glad?

誰がどんな成れ果てだろうと dare ga donna nare hate darou to No matter who is the ruin
誰が何の欠陥だろうと dare ga nan no kekkan darou to No matter who is defective
縋れるモノが一つあるならば sugareru mono ga hitotsu aru naraba If there is even one that people can depend on
生きるには十分過ぎるでしょう? ikiru ni wa juubun sugiru deshou? They have more than enough to live, don't they?
生きるには十分過ぎるだろ? ikiru ni wa juubun sugiru daro? They have more than enough to live, right?

あぁ aa Ah
自嘲 止まらない jichou tomaranai I can't stop mocking myself
自暴 終わらない jibou owaranai I can't stop being desperate
自傷 辞められない jishou yamerarenai I can't stop hurting myself
海馬にトロけた喜劇な陰鬱でSSS級中毒乱舞 kaiba ni toroketa kigeki na in'utsu de SSS kyuu chuudoku ranbu Dancing with SSS-grade addiction due to the comedic depression melted in the hippocampus
当たり前が出来ない atarimae ga dekinai I can't do even simple things
何も出来ない nani mo dekinai I can't do anything
何も出来ない nani mo dekinai I can't do anything
そうだ、きっと、 sou da, kitto, Yes, I bet,
僕はこの世界の奇跡なんだ boku wa kono sekai no kiseki nan da I am a miracle of this world

I am sooo happpy, blessing to this world

lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
I'm lovin' me

全ての始まりは泡沫の定義 subete no hajimari wa utakata no teigi The beginning of everything is the ephemeral definition
生き殺され 生き間違え 右へ倣え iki korosare iki machigae migi e narae "Be alive as if dead, live incorrectly, and follow suit."
秀才収載 shuusai shuusai The publishing of a brilliant person
生き囚われ 生き長らえ 認めてもらえ iki toraware ikinagarae mitomete morae "Be caught being alive, live long, and be accepted yourself."
醜態集大成 shuutai shuutaisei Culmination of abomination
成幸の崖から躊躇い無く足を踏み外せていたら seikou no gake kara tamerai naku ashi o fumihazusete itara If I have made a misstep without hesitation from the cliff of success,
崩れて楽になれたのでしょう? kuzurete raku ni nareta no deshou? I could have collapsed and felt better, couldn't I?
崩れて楽になれたんだろ? kuzurete raku ni nareta ndaro? I could have collapsed and felt better, right?

愛してる? aishiteru? I wonder if you love me?
差し伸べる? sashinoberu? I wonder if you can reach out to me?
抱き締める? dakishimeru? I wonder if you will embrace me?
ぶり返す? burikaesu? I wonder if it'll come back?

僕は美しい boku wa utsukushii I am beautiful
崩れ落ちた四肢に咲いた充血の華 kuzureochita shishi ni saita juuketsu no hana Confluence of flowers blooming in the fallen limbs
5000の斬首と8000000000の磔の開花 gosen no zanshu to hachijuuoku no haritsuke no kaika It's my 5000th decapitation and 8000000000th crucifixion flowering
腐乱臭に乱立した消え薄れ逝く俯瞰的ラプソディ furanshuu ni ranritsu shita kie usureyuku fukanteki rapusodi Overlooking rhapsodies jumbled together, fading away with a rotting odor
荊に保存された世紀末美少年現し身的夢想 ibara ni hozon sareta seikimatsu bishounen utsushimiteki musou The incarnate dream of a decadent beautiful boy preserved in thorns
絶対零度の幽けき裸体を苦汁で貪る頽廃ハイパー zettai reido no kasokeki ratai o kujuu de musaboru taihai haipaa I am an abandoned hyper who devours absolute zero faint nudes with bitter liquid
果たされ無き満たされ無き赦され無き思春期の永久絞殺 hatasare naki mitasare naki yurusare naki shishunki no eikyuu kousatsu I will continue strangling my unfulfilled and unacceptable perpetual adolescence
救おうだなんて思うな sukuou da nante omou na Don't think you are trying to save me
救おうだなんて思うな sukuou da nante omou na Don't think you are trying to save me
救おうだなんて思うな sukuou da nante omou na Don't think you are trying to save me
救おうだなんて思うな sukuou da nante omou na Don't think you are trying to save me
救えるだなんて思わないで sukueru da nante omowanaide Please don't think you can save me

この衣服には不能の刻印 kono ifuku ni wa funou no kokuin Impossible stamps are pressed on this garment
この部屋には不適合の南京錠 kono heya ni wa futekigou no nankinjou This room has a incompatible padlock
どうせ、どうせ、 douse, douse, I knew, I knew,
明日の世界も受け入れてくれやしない asu no sekai mo ukeirete kureyashinai The world of tomorrow will not accept me as well

存在するから害悪なんです sonzai suru kara gaiaku nan desu I am evil because I exist
生存するなら大罪なんです seizon suru nara daizai nan desu It's a big sin if I survive
だって、だって、僕は、 datte, datte, boku wa, Because, because, I am...
僕は、僕は、僕は、僕は、 boku wa, boku wa, boku wa, boku wa, I, I, I, I,
神に選ばれし人間だから kami ni erabare shi ningen dakara I am the person chosen by God

嗚呼、今 aa, ima Ah, celebrate
エデンの花園から火砕流が照らす明るい国家に祝杯を eden no hanazono kara kasairyuu ga terasu akarui kokka ni shukuhai o a bright nation where pyroclastic flow illuminates from the garden of Eden now
嗚呼、只 aa, tada Ah, wish
ミルキーウェイから青酸麻薬の垂れる輝く未来に幸あれ mirukii wei kara seisan mayaku no tareru kagayaku mirai ni sachi are the brilliant future where cyanide drugs are just hanging from the Milky Way good luck

あぁ aa Ah
自壊 止まらない jikai tomaranai I can't stop self destruction
自棄 終わらない jiki owaranai I can't stop being desperate
自分 辞められない jibun yamerarenai I can't stop myself
海馬にトロけた悲劇な現でZZZ級中毒乱舞 kaiba ni toroketa higeki na utsutsu de ZZZ kyuu chuudoku ranbu Dancing with ZZZ grade madness addiction due to the tragic reality melted in the hippocampus
当たり前が出来ない atarimae ga dekinai I can't do even simple things
でももう "出来たい" じゃなく "消えたい" demo mou "dekitai" ja naku "kietai" But it's not "I want to be able to do it" but "I want to disappear" anymore
神に選ばれて幸せです kami ni erabarete shiawase desu I am happy to be chosen by God
不幸になれて幸せです fukou ni narete shiawase desu I am happy to be unhappy

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
I am sooo happpy, blessing to this world

lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
lovin' it.
I'm lovin' me

English translation from SOOOO, with edits by MeaningfulUsername


This song was featured on the following albums:

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