Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Warning: This song contains questionable elements (suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
Song title
Original Upload Date
January 30, 2015
MAIKA, Tohoku Zunko and Hatsune Miku
Circus-P (music, lyrics)
Crusher (illustration)
Paper and Kuma (lyrical help)
34,000+ (NN), 280,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Spanish English
Tu tomaste la mejor parte de mí You stole the best part of me
Y dejaste de lado el resto de mí And let go of the rest of me

And I feel so empty
And I feel COMPLETELY like

Like I'm REAL
Like I'm FAKE
Who am I
Meant to be?
And I feel, And I feel...
And I, and I...

(Shut up)

And I'll be for-
I'll be good- good-
Be for-
No matter-
I'll be
My Goodbye

llits m'I fi eid t'nac I ,gnihtaerb breathing, I can't die if I'm still
ton ,m'I nehw yrc t'nac I ,gnivil living, I can't cry when I'm not

English translation by Anonymous

External Links

