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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song contains questionable elements (sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Gimmie gimmie
Song title
Original Upload Date
August 28, 2019 (album release date)
October 26, 2019 (PV)
Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin
Hachiouji-P (music, arranger)
Giga-P (music, arranger)
q*Left (lyrics)
LAM (illustration)
Ryo Asakura (Seventhgraphics) (movie)
3,400,000+ (NN), 32,000,000+ (YT), 6,100,000+ (BB)
5,000,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YouTube)


Singer Rin Miku
Japanese Romaji English

“Are you free tonight?”

Called from you, now
お気に入り musk と okiniiri musk to I’m clad in my favorite musk
甘々な秘密纏う amaama na himitsu matou and my sweet secrets.
I've been waiting…
This weekend night!!
今夜モノになる kon'ya mono ni naru I’ll make this night my own,
あたしのなにもかも atashi no nani mo kamo with everything I have.

溢れ出てるlibido afuredeteru libido My libido is overflowing.
はあ、好き その衝動 haa, suki sono shoudou Ah, how I love that urge.
そんなら見ててよ伝家の宝刀 いこう王道 sonnara mitete yo denka no houtou ikou oudou Well then, just watch as my last resort becomes the fast track to success.
「はあ…ちょっと酔っちゃったかも」 "haa... chotto yocchatta kamo" "Ahh… I might be a little drunk ♡"

すべて見抜いて subete minuite I see through it all.
余裕なんて見せないで yoyuu nante misenaide Don’t show me some facade of composure.
すべて見透かして subete misukashite I see the true nature of it all.
好きにさせて suki ni sasete Let me do as I please.

ねえ早く連れていって nee hayaku tsurete itte Come on, hurry, take me along.
まつげすら触れちゃいそうな距離で matsuge sura furechaisou na kyori de Close enough that our eyelashes could almost touch,
思考すら奪って 探り当てて shikou sura ubatte saguriatete I’ll steal even your thoughts and figure you out.
其の場凌ぎ以上の sonobashinogi ijou no It seems like I’ve said
余計なこと言っちゃいそうな yokei na koto icchaisou na more than I needed to.
吐息漏れるこの(くち) toiki moreru kono kuchi o Please shut these sighing lips
kiss で塞いで kiss de fusaide with a kiss.

I just Gimme×Gimme

余計なこと yokei na koto Don’t think
考えてないで kangaetenaide about unnecessary things.
今は踊りましょう ima wa odorimashou Right now, let’s just dance.
シャバダバダ ドゥビドゥビドゥ shabadabada dubidubidu Shabadabada Dubidubidu

映画のエンドロールみたいに eiga no endorooru mitai ni Like the end credits of a movie,
背中の痕 過去重ね 数え senaka no ato kako kasane kazoe the marks on my back piled up and increased in number.
酔いも覚めないふりで yoi mo samenai furi de Drunk and pretending not to sober up,
良い宵からの夜が明けてく yoi yoi kara no yo ga aketeku night comes upon us from a good evening.

足りないくらいがちょうどいい… tarinai kurai ga choudo ii… It’s perfect when it’s just not enough…
なんて意地悪ばかり言わないで! nante ijiwaru bakari iwanaide! Don’t say such mean things!
まだまだ足りない これは純愛 madamada tarinai kore wa jun'ai It’s still not enough—this is pure love.

好きにさせて suki ni sasete Let me do as I please.

ねえ早く連れていって nee hayaku tsurete itte Come on, hurry, take me along.
微熱でとけちゃいそうな距離で binetsu de tokechaisou na kyori de Close enough that you could almost melt from the heat,
思考すら奪って 貫いてって shikou sura ubatte tsuranuite tte I’ll steal even your thoughts and pierce right through you.
其の場凌ぎ以上の sonobashinogi ijou no It seems like I’ve said
余計なこと言っちゃいそうな yokei na koto icchaisou na more than I needed to.
吐息漏れるその(くち) toiki moreru sono kuchi de I’ll plug my ears
耳を塞いで mimi o fusaide with your sighing lips.

この時間(とき) kono toki mo Stop this moment
呼吸(いき)も止めて iki mo tomete and our breath.
火照る心の 隙間埋めて hoteru kokoro no sukima umete Fill the hole in my burning heart.
ここにいる 意味を成して koko ni iru imi o nashite Give me a reason to be here.
未来(あん)なんていらない an nante iranai I don’t care about the future,
今のあたしを見て! ima no atashi o mite! just look at me right now!

I just Wanna×Wanna

好きにさせて suki ni sasete Let me do as I please.

ねえ はやく連れていって nee hayaku tsurete itte Come on, hurry, take me along.
まつげすら触れちゃいそうな距離で matsuge sura furechaisou na kyori de Close enough that our eyelashes could almost touch,
思考すら奪って 探り当てて shikou sura ubatte saguriatete I’ll steal even your thoughts and figure you out.
其の場凌ぎ以上の sonobashinogi ijou no It seems like I’ve said
余計なこと言っちゃいそうな yokei na koto icchaisou na more than I needed to.
吐息漏れるこの(くち) toiki moreru kono kuchi o Please shut these sighing lips
kiss で塞いで kiss de fusaide with a kiss.

あざやかに彩って azayaka ni irodotte Colored vibrantly,
(forget what I just said)
この世界を照らすような kono sekai o terasu you na as if to light up this world.
(actually, don't forget)
満たす体温 最後まで mitasu taion saigo made Until I’ve had my fill of body heat,
(please don't forget…lifetime)
吐息漏れるこの(くち) toiki moreru kono kuchi o please shut these sighing lips
kiss で塞いで kiss de fusaide with a kiss.

don't want to go home
but I have to
because he comes home
Maybe next time

English translation by Violet

Notable Derivatives

Gimmie gimmie
Shoose and nqrse's cover
Featuring: Shoose and nqrse
Producer(s): DYES IWASAKI (mastering), nqrse (mix)
Gimme hanabasami
Hanabasami Kyo and Shishigami Leona's cover
Featuring: Hanabasami Kyo and Shishigami Leona
Gimmie gimmie
Alfakyun. and FantasticYouth's cover
Featuring: Alfakyun. and FantasticYouth

Gimme x gimme kagura nana
Kagura Nana's cover
Featuring: Kagura Nana
Producer(s): Piza (movie), Pd.46 (mix), 溯北P,シロ,ととと3D (stage), どっと (model), シガー, ノン (motion), Ashibuto Penta (choreography)


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remix of this song was featured on the following albums:

External Links

