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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Galaxy Night
Song title
"Galaxy Night"
Original Upload Date
July 12, 2015
Spacelectro (music)
Aomafu (lyrics)
Chiku Wasabi (illustration)
Nate (video)
290,000+ (NN), 37,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
目が醒めても 眠ったままで me ga samete mo nemutta mama de My eyes opened but still asleep
青い惑星(ほし)を 探し続けてるの aoi hoshi o sagashi tsuzuketeru no I continue to search for a blue planet
窓に映る ホントの答え mado ni utsuru honto no kotae although I know
わかってるのに wakatteru noni the real answer appearing in the window.

揺蕩(たゆた)うまま 流されてゆく tayutau mama nagasarete yuku Swaying to and fro, a hidden password
パルスだけの 目隠しの暗号 parusu dake no mekakushi no angou consisting of just a pulse is circulating.
ひとつ解き ふたつ解けば hitotsu hodoki futatsu hodokeba If I untie one, untie two,
ワタシはダレかな? watashi wa dare kana? who might I be?

永い時間の狭間の中で nagai jikan no hazama no naka de Inside a gap in a long period of time
同じ記憶を繰り返し 辿るの  uh onaji kioku o kurikaeshi tadoru no uh I proceed, repeating the same memory.

どうかどうか いまはこのまま douka douka ima wa kono mama Please, please, right now, like this,
終わりの無い 夢をみせて owari no nai yume o misete show me a never-ending dream.
いつかいつか やがて終わりが itsuka itsuka yagate owari ga Sometime, sometime, the end will come;
来るその日も 笑えますように kuru sono hi mo waraemasu you ni may we get to smile that day too.

踊れ odore Dance!
Galaxy Night
この世は0と1だけ kono yo wa zero to ichi dake This world is but 0s and 1s
歌え utae Sing!
Galaxy Night
すべては感じるままに subete wa kanjiru mama ni While we feel everything
To remember something forever......

朽ちるカラダ 朽ちゆくココロ kuchiru karada kuchi yuku kokoro A decaying body, a decaying heart,
声なきコエ バラバラとこぼれる koe naki koe barabara to koboreru a stuttering voiceless voice spills out.
何処にいけば 何処にいけるの doko ni ikeba doko ni ikeru no Where do I go and where I can go from there?
ダレか教えてよ dareka oshiete yo Someone tell me!

天井(そら)に広がる 大きな宇宙 sora ni hirogaru ookina uchuu A huge space opens up in the ceiling for a sky.
この手伸ばせば 届くと信じてる  uh kono te nobaseba todoku to shinjiteru uh I believe I can reach out and touch it.

どうか どうか いまはこのまま douka douka ima wa kono mama Please, please, right now, like this,
擬態(フェイク)だけの 夢をみせて feiku dake no yume o misete show me only fake dreams.
いつかいつか やがて終わりが itsuka itsuka yagate owari ga Sometime, sometime, the end will come;
来るその日に 気づきますように kuru sono hi ni kizukimasu you ni may we realize on that day.

踊れ odore Dance!
Galaxy Night
この世は0と1だけ kono yo wa zero to ichi dake This world is but 0s and 1s
歌え utae Sing!
Galaxy Night
すべては感じるままに subete wa kanjiru mama ni While we feel everything
踊れ odore Dance!
Galaxy Night
誰かの仕組んだままに dareka no shikunda mama ni While someone has devised it
叫べ sakebe Shout!
Galaxy Night
心の回路つなげて kokoro no kairo tsunagete Connect the circuit of our hearts
To remember something forever......
To remember something forever......
イマはドコにアルの・・・・・・? ima wa doko ni aru no......? Where is it now ……?
To remember something forever......

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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