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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Nakano4 - GPS
Song title
Original Upload Date
July 18, 2011
Momone Momo
nakano4 (music, lyrics)
Kazegusuri (illustration)
150,000+ (NN), 130,000+ (YT), 1,300+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
1番星に火がついた ichibanboshi ni hi ga tsuita I set fire to the evening's 1st star
3百円のライターで sanbyaku en no raitaa de With a 3 hundred yen lighter.

2分ちょっとしてついた nifun chotto shite tsuita Arriving in about 2 minutes,
4番線に緑のライナー yonbansen ni midori no rainaa The green train car of the 4th line.

屋根まで飛ばして気がついた yane made tobashite ki ga tsuita A can of soda pop, absent from the heart,
ハートに無いのサイダーが haato ni nai no saidaa ga Kicked all the way to the rooftop.
駅前は昼前みたい ekimae wa hirumae mitai Glittering in highlighter yellow,
蛍光色の黄色だけキラキラ keikou shoku no kiiro dake kirakira The front of the station seemed like it was just before noon.

今でも目に染みついた ima de mo me ni shimitsuita Even now, it's burned into my eyes,
毛糸みたいなファイバーを keito mitai na faibaa o Fibers like wool yarn.
取り返す旅してみたい torikaesu tabishite mitai I want to go on a journey to get it back,
探すの果てまでまだまだ sagasu no hate made mada mada I've gone to the ends of the earth to search, but I haven't found it quite yet.

"あれかな これかな どこかに あるのに "are ka na kore ka na dokoka ni aru no ni “Is it that? Is it this? It's around somewhere, butー

みぎかな ひだりかな あなたなら わかるのに きっと" migi ka na hidari ka na anata nara wakaru no ni kitto" On the right? On the left? I'm sure you should know, butー”

衛星とばしてる現在地 eisei tobashite iru genzaichi My current location, sent to a satellite
(ここは東口) (koko wa higashiguchi) (The east entrance is here)

圏外で乱れる正弦波 kengai de midareru seigenha An out of range, distorted sine wave
(そこは東口) (soko wa higashiguchi) (The east entrance is there)

左肩にオレンジのライト hidarikata ni orenji no raito On my left shoulder, an orange light
柔らかい生地に吸いついて yawarakai kiji ni suitsuite Sticking to soft cloth.

右肩に白色ブライト migikata ni shiroiro buraito On my right shoulder, a white bright,
行き帰る光はライナー ikikaeru hikari wa rainaa The lights of a round trip from a train car.

(あれじゃない これじゃない どこかに あるのに) (are ja nai kore ja nai dokoka ni aru no ni) (That's not it; this isn't it; it's around somewhere, butー)

ひかるのライナー hikaru no rainaa A shining train car.

あれかな are ka na Is it that?
これかな kore ka na Is it this?
どこかに dokoka ni It's around
あるのに aru no ni Somewhere, butー

たねもない tane mo nai There's no core,
しかけもない shikake mo nai Nor any mechanism,
あざやかに azayaka ni Vividly,
どこにもないの doko ni mo nai no Is it nowhere to be found?

見つかる はずもない 嘘なら それでも mitsukaru hazu mo nai uso nara soredemo There's no way i'll find it, but even if that's a lie

あなたは見つけてくれるの anata wa mitsukete kureru no Will you find it for me?

English translation by Shiru


This song was featured on the following album:

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