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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
Original Upload Date
January 30, 2019
Fukase and flower
shito (music, lyrics)
shito, cake (programming)
Yamako (illustration)
ziro (video)
120,000+ (NN), 2,600,000+ (YT), 6,800+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Main Singer Fukase flower Both
Japanese Romaji English
朝日は必ず昇り asahi wa kanarazu nobori The morning sun always rises
僕らを大人にする bokura o otona ni suru Making us grow up
悲しい涙流せど kanashii namida nagasedo Even though I cry out of sadness,
あなたは笑っている anata wa waratte iru You are smiling

キリンみたいに首長くして kirin mitai ni kubi nagaku shite Like a giraffe, you would stretch your neck
僕が来るのを待ってる boku ga kuru no o matteru Waiting for me to come
太陽みたいな笑顔見せる taiyou mitai na egao miseru You were my best friend
あなたは親友でした anata wa shin'yuu deshita with a beaming smile

シワシワの手で頭を撫でて shiwashiwa no te de atama o nadete You pat my head with your wrinkly hands
僕の話に頷く boku no hanashi ni unazuku You nod at my stories
膝の上の特等席は hiza no ue no tokutouseki wa I really loved how warm
暖かくて好きでした atatakakute suki deshita The special seat on your lap was

次第にあなたの shidai ni anata no But gradually
背を抜き歩んでた se o nuki ayundeta I walked on and left you behind

朝日は必ず昇り asahi wa kanarazu nobori The morning sun always rises
僕らを大人にする bokura o otona ni suru Making us grow up
悲しい涙流せど kanashii namida nagasedo Even though I cry out of sadness,
あなたは笑っている anata wa waratte iru You are smiling

必ず今も kanarazu ima mo Surely, even now

母が言うには頑固な人で haha ga iu ni wa ganko na hito de According to my mother, you were a stubborn person
よく怒られてたらしい yoku okorareteta rashii And often got scolded at
誰にでも優しいあなたの dare ni demo yasashii anata no I feel like I've learnt some secrets
秘密を知れた気がした himitsu o shireta ki ga shita About you who was nice to everyone

いつの間にか増えてた白髪は itsunomanika fueteta shiraga wa I became unable to count
数えられなくなってた kazoerarenaku natteta The strands of hairs that turned gray
細くなったあなたの姿 hosoku natta anata no sugata before I noticed I didn't really like looking at
見るのが少し嫌だった miru no ga sukoshi iya datta How skinny your appearance turned

仕事を言い訳に shigoto o iiwake ni Using my job as an excuse,
またねと離れてた mata ne to hanareteta I'd say "see you later" and distanced myself from you

あなたは最愛の人 anata wa saiai no hito You are my beloved person
笑顔で見送ってた egao de miokutteta You would see me off with a smile
日記に書かれた言葉 nikki ni kakareta kotoba The words written in the diary
「待ってて、すぐ行くから」 "mattete, sugu iku kara" "Just wait, I will be there soon"
涙も見せず namida mo misezu Without even showing a tear

“当たり前”を壊して "atarimae" o kowashite Breaking a "normal life"
突然その日はやってきた totsuzen sono hi wa yatte kita Suddenly, the day came
分かってたはずなのに wakatteta hazu na noni Even though I should have known it would come

“さよなら”あなたはいない "sayonara" anata wa inai "Goodbye"; You are no longer here
僕らをここに残し bokura o koko ni nokoshi Leaving us behind
悲しい涙流せど kanashii namida nagasedo Even though I cry out of sadness,
あなたは笑っている anata wa waratte iru You are smiling

必ず今も kanarazu ima mo Surely, even now

English translation by Nico Nishi and aa aki (checked and approved by Damesukekun)


This song was featured on the following album:

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