Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Fty (u0079fty) is a producer who debuted around April 2020 with the song, "Yakudou Beat Step". They primarily use the VOCALOID flower, the NEUTRINO Kiritan, and the CeVIO KAFU.

They typically write pop music with fantasy themes.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Achromatica" KAFU Jul 28, 2022 music, lyrics
"Alternative Parade" (オルタナティブ・パレイド) flower Aug 21, 2020 music
"Ame to Ēcriture" (雨とエクリチュール)
(Rain with Ēcriture)
Koharu Rikka Jun 23, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Ame to Gimlet" (雨とギムレット)
(Rain and Gimlet)
flower Oct 23, 2020 music
"Atmaria no Inori" (アトマリアの祈り)
(Atmaria Prayer)
SEKAI Jul 27, 2022 music, lyrics
"Bad Dead End" (バッド・デッド・エンド) flower Sep 24, 2021 music
"Bad Hate End" (バッド・ヘイト・エンド) flower Jun 4, 2021 music
"Bluesy Parade" (ブルージー・パレイド) Hatsune Miku and flower Nov 20, 2020 music, arrangement
Removed "City Dream" Hatsune Miku and Yuzuki Yukari Feb 17, 2020 music
N/A "Cliche Novel" Tohoku Kiritan and Natsuki Karin Jul 6, 2022 music, lyrics
"Cynical Dystopia" (シニカルディストピア) flower and KAFU Jan 7, 2022 music, lyrics
"Dancing Thief" (ダンシング・シーフ) Hatsune Miku and flower Jan 22, 2021 music, arrangement
"Daydream Ensemble" (デイドリーム・アンサンブル) Futaba Minato and Tohoku Kiritan May 24, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Doukeshi no Metaphor" (道化師のメタファー) Hatsune Miku and flower Mar 19, 2021 music
"Grimoire no Tou" (グリモアの塔)
(Tower of Grimoire)
Mai, Tohoku Kiritan and Futaba Minato Mar 19, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Haru no Replica" (春のレプリカ) GUMI Mar 18, 2024 music, lyrics
"Haruka wa Kaeranai" (遥花は帰らない)
(Haruka don't go back)
flower Feb 26, 2021 music
"Hourou Identity" (放浪アイデンティティ) Hatsune Miku and flower May 22, 2020 music
Removed "Ima no Jidai o Ikiru" (今の時代を生きる) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Sep 2, 2019 music, lyrics
"Ironical Utopia" (アイロニカルユートピア) flower and KAFU Feb 25, 2022 music, lyrics
"JustiLies" (ジャスティライズ) flower Apr 24, 2021 music
"Kawaisou na Boku de Itakatta" (可哀想な僕でいたかった) Hatsune Miku Sep 25, 2020 music
"Kikaijikake no Terrarium" (機械仕掛けのテラリウム)
(Terrarium Ex Machina)
SEKAI Sep 23, 2023 music
"Kishi no Aria" (騎士のアリア)
(Aria of Etoile)
SEKAI Jul 6, 2023 music, lyrics
"Lazurite ~Majo no Tsumuida Neiro~" (ラズライト 〜魔女の紡いだ音色〜)
(Lazurite ~The Tone Played by the Witch~)
Futaba Minato Dec 12, 2022 music, lyrics
"Majo to Kannagi no Mori" (魔女と神薙の森)
(Witches Wander into Kannagi Forest)
KAFU, Tohoku Kiritan, and Suzuki Tsudumi Oct 8, 2022 music, lyrics
"Majo to Seirei no Uta" (魔女と精霊の詩)
(Witches Chant with the Spirits)
KAFU and Tohoku Kiritan Jun 9, 2022 music, lyrics
"Majo to Senritsu no Machi" (魔女と旋律の街)
(Witches Chant in the Town)
KAFU and Tohoku Kiritan Apr 23, 2022 music, lyrics
"Mr." KAFU and flower Mar 3, 2022 arrange
"Natsuiro Storage" (夏色ストレージ) Futaba Minato Aug 25, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement, mix
"Nemurenu Mori no Mermaid" (眠れぬ森のマーメイド)
(Sleeping Mermaid)
KAFU Aug 27, 2021 music
"Noraneko Selfie" (野良猫セルフィ) Hatsune Miku and flower Jul 9, 2021 music
"Philosophia" KAFU and Tohoku Kiritan Mar 18, 2022 music
"Pray for Breeze" Futaba Minato Nov 11, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Realism" (リアリズム) Hatsune Miku and flower Dec 25, 2020 music, arrangement
"Rose to Iris" (ローズとアイリス)
(Rose & Iris)
flower and Hatsune Miku Oct 14, 2021 music
"Sangenshoku no Träumerei" (三原色のトロイメライ) Hanakuma Chifuyu Apr 12, 2024 music, lyrics
Removed "Shinsou no Reijou" (深窓の令嬢) Hatsune Miku Sep 7, 2019 music
"Shoutou Jikan" (消灯時間) Hatsune Miku Jun 26, 2020 music
"SPECIAL SONG" Hatsune Miku Jan 13, 2020 music, lyrics
"Starry Phrase!" POPY Feb 9, 2023 music, lyrics
Removed "Step in BlueRose" Suzuki Tsudumi Sep 28, 2022 music, lyrics
"Tayutau Kiri no Prisma Gear" (揺蕩う霧のプリズマギア) Hanakuma Chifuyu Oct 21, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Tenkyuu no Aquarium" (天穹のアクアリウム)
(Stargazer in Aquarium)
Suzuki Tsudumi Sep 15, 2022 arrange, music, lyrics
"Yakudou Beat Step" (躍動ビートステップ)
(Lively Beat Step)
flower Apr 24, 2020 music
"Yoru o Koete" (夜をこえて) flower Jun 25, 2021 music
"Yotei Fuchouwa Endroll" (予定不調和エンドロール) Tohoku Kiritan Jul 31, 2020 music
Removed "Yuiitsu no Ai" (唯一の愛) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Jul 27, 2019 music


Affiliation Title