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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
FrostFlower Mwk
Song title
"Frost Flower"
Original Upload Date
April 25, 2021 (album release date)
Hatsune Miku
Mwk (music, lyrics, video)
Iyona (illustration)
GA (logo video)
4,200+ (NN), 9,000+ (YT), 6,600+ (SC)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
SoundCloud Broadcast / Bandcamp Broadcast

Alternate Versions[]

Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2
Xidic Remix
Upload date: April 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mwk (music, lyrics), Xidic (remix arrange)
YT (autogen) / BC
Included on Mwk's Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2 album.
Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2
Cacao Remix
Upload date: April 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mwk (music, lyrics), Cacao (remix arrange)
YT (autogen) / BC / SC
Included on Mwk's Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2 album.
Frost Flower Super Shrimp
Super Shrimp Remix
Upload date: April 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mwk (music, lyrics), Super Shrimp (remix arrange)
Included on Mwk's Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2 album.

Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2
Rhyztik Remix
Upload date: April 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mwk (music, lyrics), Rhyztik (remix arrange)
YT (autogen) / BC
Included on Mwk's Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2 album.
Frost Flower K-forest
K​-​forest Remix
Upload date: April 24, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Mwk (music, lyrics), K​-​forest (remix arrange)
Included on Mwk's Wakuwaku Remixes Vol.2 album.


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
心を形にしたような 小さく咲いた白い花 kokoro o katachi ni shita you na chiisaku saita shiroi hana There’s a small, white flower blooming, which is like my heart taken form.
この花を枯らさないように kono hana o karasanai you ni So that I won’t wither the flower,
傍で静かに眺めていよう soba de shizuka ni nagamete iyou I will watch it quietly by its side—
朝日が昇ればきっと 溶けて消えてしまうから asahi ga noboreba kitto tokete kiete shimau kara Because when the morning sun rises, it will surely melt away.

心を形にしたような 冷たく咲いた白い花 kokoro o katachi ni shita you na tsumetaku saita shiroi hana There’s a cold, white flower blooming, which is like my heart taken form.
この花を忘れないように kono hana o wasurenai you ni So that I won’t forget the flower,
そっと心にしまっておこう sotto kokoro ni shimatte okou I will keep it secretly within my heart—
朝日が昇ればきっと 溶けて消えてしまうから asahi ga noboreba kitto tokete kiete shimau kara Because when the morning sun rises, it will surely melt away.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

External Links[]

