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Fondant Step HeavenzP
Song title
"Fondant Step"
Original Upload Date
January 26, 2021
Hatsune Miku
Heavenz-P (music, lyrics)
Goroku (illustration)
Yamashita RIRI (animation, video)
150,000+ (NN), 480,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
一歩を踏み出して ちょっと悩んで少し泣いて ippo o fumidashite chotto nayande sukoshi naite Taking a step forward, worrying and crying for a little
頭の中は自由だなんて すっかり忘れたな atama no naka wa jiyuu da nante sukkari wasureta na I’ve completely forgotten that I was free in my head
なんだか静かだし 何やったって間違え探し nandaka shizukadashi nani yattatte machigae sagashi Somehow it’s quiet out here; whatever I do is spotting the mistakes
楽しい気分なら 縛らなくていいのに tanoshii kibun nara shibaranakute ii no ni If I’m feeling happy like this, there’s no need to be bound down

lalala さいしょは ハナウタでも lalala saisho wa hanauta demo lalala let’s start by humming
lalala リズムきいて 歩いてみよう lalala rizumu kiite aruite miyou lalala let’s walk to the rhythm

慣れない気持ちがあったり 恥ずかしささえあるけど narenai kimochi ga attari hazukashisa sae aru kedo Sometimes I feel unfamiliar and a little embarrassed about something
さり気なく歌って 踊って足跡をつけるの sarigenaku utatte odotte ashiato o tsukeru no But I’ll casually sing and dance to leave my footprints behind

見つけてね 私が描いた Fondant Step mitsukete ne watashi ga egaita Fondant Step Hey, find the Fondant Steps I’ve drawn along the way
はにかんじゃって 転んでしまいそうだけど hanikan ja tte koronde shimaisou dakedo Although I’m about to fall down with a blush on my face
不思議とね 寂しさも消えてゆくの fushigi to ne sabishisa mo kiete yuku no Even loneliness will disappear in a mysterious way
追いついたら 手を握って oitsuitara te o nigitte Catch up with me and hold my hand
夜が明ければ 新しい舞台でまた yo ga akereba atarashii butai de mata When the night is over, let’s dance the waltz
ワルツを踊りましょう warutsu o odorimashou On the new stage again

ダンスを始めなきゃ オルゴールの四重奏(カルテット)がエスコート dansu o hajimenakya orugooru no karutteto ga esukooto We have to dance, guided by a quartet that our musical box plays
ガラス越しに見える あなたの明日はまだ透明 garasugoshi ni mieru anata no asu wa mada toumei I can see your tomorrow through my window and it’s still transparent, you know

曇りゆく空があるなら 足元に銀河を描いて kumori yuku sora ga aru nara ashimoto ni ginga o egaite If there’s a sky that’s getting cloudy, draw a galaxy at your feet
流れる星は私で nagareru hoshi wa watashi de I’ll be the star drifting through your sky
いつだって願いを想えるタイミングがあるの itsu datte negai o omoeru taimingu ga aru no and there’s always a chance to make some wishes

見つけてね 誰かが歩んだ Fondant Step mitsukete ne dareka ga ayunda Fondant Step Hey, find the Fondant Steps that somebody has taken
進む先が 私だったらいいな susumu saki ga watashi dattara ii na In hopes they can lead you to me
ホントはね 誰もが奏でているの honto wa ne daremo ga kanadete iru no The truth is, everybody’s playing the silver score
楽しげな 銀の譜面を tanoshige na gin no fumen o With some joyful sounds

私が歩む軌跡があったら 誰か安心するかな watashi ga ayumu kiseki ga attara dare ka anshin suru ka na If there’s the line I have walked, will someone feel relieved?
それなら歌って 踊って足跡をつけるの sore nara utatte odotte ashiato o tsukeru no If that’s so, I’ll sing and dance to leave my footprints behind

踏み出して 銀色のステージ Fondant Step fumidashite gin'iro no suteeji Fondant Step Hey, leap out into the silver stage with your Fondant Steps
頭の中 想像だっていいんだから  atama no naka souzou datte ii ndakara Even when it’s just the imagination in your head, well that’s okay
不思議とね 軽やかに響くあなたの Fondant Step fushigi to ne karoyaka ni hibiku anata no Fondant Step To my surprise, somebody else is playing again
それをまた 誰か奏でるの sore o mata dare ka kanaderu no your lightly resounding Fondant Steps
夜が明ければ 新しい舞台でまた yo ga akereba atarashii butai de mata When the night is over, let’s dance the waltz
ワルツを踊りましょう そしたら warutsu o odorimashou soshitara On the new stage again
心が溶けてゆくの kokoro ga tokete yuku no And then our hearts will melt in joy

English translation by Jelly Cat


This song was featured on the following albums:

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