Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
August 1, 2008
Kagamine Len
Halyosy (music, lyrics)
hiroshi (arrangement)
Wakana (illustration)
that (video)
3,200,000+ (NN), 41,000+ (PP), 3,200,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Sparkler Version
Upload date: August 1, 2021
Featuring: Kagamine Len
Producer(s): halyosy (music, lyrics, arrangement, background illustration, video), Rio.T (guitar), drm (bass), Matsumoto Issaku (violin, viola, cello), Meis Clauson (mix, mastering), Shinotarou (illustration), sobomen (video)
Rerec Version
Upload date: August 17, 2024
Featuring: Kagamine Len
Producer(s): halyosy (music, lyrics, arrangement, background illustration, video), Rio.T (guitar, guitar arrangement, chord editing), drm (bass, bass arrangement), Matsumoto Issaku (violin, viola, strings arrangement), koma'n (piano, piano arrangement), Sorami. (drums, drums arrangement), Meis Clauson (mix, mastering), RAHWIA (illustration, video)


Japanese Romaji English
「最初から君を好きでいられて良かった」なんて 空に歌うんだ "saisho kara kimi o suki de irarete yokatta" nante sora ni utau nda "I'm glad I was able to love you from the beginning," that's what I'm going to sing to the sky
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪

詰め込んだ夢を 打ち上げる場所 tsumekonda yume o uchiageru basho Seeking a place where I can jumpstart my packed-in dreams,
探し求めて この街から出た sagashimotomete kono machi kara deta I left this town
震える着信 電源を切った furueru chakushin dengen o kitta My phone vibrates with an incoming call, I turned the power off
燃え出す導火線 誰も止められない moedasu doukasen daremo tomerarenai My fuse is burning; no one can stop it

世界の終わりが 今訪れたとしたら sekai no owari ga ima otozureta to shitara If the end of the world arrived now,
全部ほっぽって ふたり永遠に一緒なのにね zenbu hoppotte futari eien ni issho nanoni ne Then I would leave everything behind and the two of us would be together forever

僕が 消えちゃわないように 火の粉散らせ 夢打ちあがれ boku ga kiechawanai you ni hinoko chirase yume uchiagare So I won't vanish, sparks scatter, and my dreams launch themselves upwards
「最初から君を好きにならなきゃ良かった」なんて 嘘までついて "saisho kara kimi o suki ni naranakya yokatta" nante uso made tsuite "I wish I hadn't loved you from the beginning," that's what I went so far as to lie...
あああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪

慣れない景色 不自然な笑顔 narenai keshiki fushizen na egao A view I'm not used to, unnatural smiles
華やかな祭りとは違ってた hanayaka na matsuri to wa chigatteta The festival wasn't the showy kind
繰り返す留守電 "ガンバレ"の声 kurikaesu rusuden "ganbare" no koe My voicemail replays a voice saying, "Keep your chin up!"
涙で導火線 消えちゃいそうだよ namida de doukasen kiechaisou da yo My fuse is about to go out from my tears.

宇宙の始まりが あの口付けだとしたら uchuu no hajimari ga ano kuchizuke da to shitara If the beginning of the universe was that kiss,
星空は ふたり零した奇蹟の跡 hoshizora wa futari koboshita kiseki no ato then the starry sky is the traces of miracles that the two of us shed

君が 見つけやすいように 雷鳴の如く 夢轟かせ kimi ga mitsukeyasui you ni raimei no gotoku yume todorokase I'll make my dreams roar like a thunderclap so that you'll be able to find them easily.
「最初から君を好きにならなきゃ良かった」なんて バレてるんだろうな "saisho kara kimi o suki ni naranakya yokatta" nante bareteru ndarou na "I wish I hadn't loved you from the beginning" I say, but it looks like you've seen through the lie.
あああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

生まれも育ちも バラバラな僕ら umare mo sodachi mo barabara na bokura We're incredibly different in birth and upbringing,
姿も形も それぞれな僕ら sugata mo katachi mo sorezore na bokura and our figures and shapes are totally unique,
男も女も ちぐはぐな僕ら otoko mo onna mo chiguhagu na bokura As a man and a woman we're mismatched,
それでも心を ひとつに出来たなら soredemo kokoro o hitotsu ni dekita nara But even so, if only we could make our hearts into one...

人生の途中が 線香花火だとしたら jinsei no tochuu ga senkouhanabi da to shitara If the middle part of life were a sparkler
一瞬でも ふたり照らす向日葵の様に isshun demo futari terasu himawari no you ni Even if it was for only a moment, it'd be like a sunflower lighting up the two of us

いつか 夜空に大輪を 咲かすその時まで待ってくれ itsuka yozora ni tairin o sakasu sono toki made matte kure Please, wait for me until the day a huge flower blooms in the night sky,
「最初から君を好きでいられて良かった」なんて 空に歌うんだ "saisho kara kimi o suki de irarete yokatta" nante sora ni utau nda "I'm glad I was able to love you from the beginning," that's what I'm going to sing to the sky
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪
アッオ-エーイエイエー!!♪ アッオー♪エーイエイエー♪ a-oo, eeieiee!!♪ a-oo♪, eeieiee♪ A-Oo, Eeieiee!!♪ A-Oo♪, Eeieiee♪

English translation by soundares

Notable Derivatives

clear's cover
Featuring: clear
Producer(s): Honda (video), Hissatsu (mixing), Mado (encoding)
Glutamine's cover
Featuring: Glutamine
Producer(s): Honda (video)
marasy's piano cover
Producer(s): marasy (piano)

SymaG's cover
Featuring: SymaG


This song was featured on the following albums:

The 2011 remaster was featured on the following albums:

The V4X version was featured on the following album:

A remix was featured on the following album:

External Links

