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One step forwardAlbum
Song title
"Falling Snow"
Original Upload Date
August 8, 2016 (album release)
AVANNA and Prima
Alexoualexou (music, lyrics)


Many stars are travelling across the universe
To find a place to be reborn
To life, discover, sharing and learning
And try to live with each other, together

Was a cold winter, sky covered in white
Stars were falling and I was watching the scene

When suddenly I heard something fall
Somewhere near the potato field

When I was getting closer it was getting warmer
And the light seemed to embrace me
Then I saw it was a little star

It began to tell me its story
It was supposed to land into a new soul

But it lost control when arriving
The crash made it wouldn't last very longer

Before disappearing, said it was happy
To have met me before dying out

When the sky went dark, was alone again
I didn't know what to do
Tears would never stop
But I knew I would never forget this instant

Many years later, I came back near the potato field
A little boy was holding my hand
It was warm like the one, I felt long time ago
In a night of falling snow

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