Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
July 31, 2011
Hatsune Miku
Mitchie M (music, lyrics, video)
ЯIRE (lyrics)
6,900,000+ (NN), 1,200,000+ (YT), 300,000+ (SC)
MV: 5,000,000+
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast
MV ver: YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji Official English
心ごと体ごと 全部記憶の中の幻 kokoro goto karada goto zenbu kioku no naka no maboroshi My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories
本当の愛情が 指先から流れ出した hontou no aijou ga yubisaki kara nagaredashita The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips

遠くから見ていたの 悲しそうな君の Face tooku kara mite ita no kanashisou na kimi no Face From far away, I was looking at your sad face
空の涙と同じね 大粒の雨が溢れ出す sora no namida to onaji ne ootsubu no ame ga afuredasu There’s the same as the tears from the sky, the large raindrops started to overflow

不意に気付いた視線 ハッと息を潜めた fui ni kizuita shisen hatto iki o hisometa You felt my eyes suddenly, you held your breath
ひんやりと冷たい手が 戸惑う君の頬に触れた hinyari to tsumetai te ga tomadou kimi no hoho ni fureta My very cold hands touched you on the cheeks when you were bewildered

雑踏に飲み込まれ 忘れてしまった zattou ni nomikomare wasurete shimatta The things I’d forgotten being enveloped by the bustle,
温もりが優しさが走る nukumori ga yasashisa ga hashiru Warmth and tenderness were running through my body

心ごと体ごと 全部記憶の中の幻 kokoro goto karada goto zenbu kioku no naka no maboroshi My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories
本当の愛情が 指先から流れ出した hontou no aijou ga yubisaki kara nagaredashita The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips
顔上げて微笑めば 笑顔取り戻す魔法になる kao agete hohoemeba egao torimodosu mahou ni naru If we lift our face and smile, that will become a magic to recover our beaming faces
こころ Knock Knock Knock 不思議 Trick Trick Trick kokoro Knock Knock Knock fushigi Trick Trick Trick Heart Knock Knock Knock, Mystery Trick Trick Trick,
生まれ変われる(Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow umarekawareru (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow We can be reborn (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow

少し震えていたの 幼くなる君の Kiss sukoshi furuete ita no osanaku naru kimi no Kiss You were trembling a bit, when you gave me a childish kiss
こんな恋知らないから もう少し側で寄り添いたい konna koi shiranai kara mou sukoshi soba de yorisoitai Because I don’t know the love like this, I want to nestle up to you a bit longer

君の名前を呼べず 急に黙り込んだね kimi no namae o yobezu kyuu ni damarikonda ne I couldn’t call your name, and fell silent suddenly
言葉にできない約束 時を越えて夢に見てた kotoba ni dekinai yakusoku toki o koete yume ni miteta The promise that I can’t express in words… I’ve been dreaming of it beyond time

暁に染まってく 星空のように akatsuki ni somatteku hoshizora no you ni Like stars in the dawning sky,
哀しみが苦しみが消える kanashimi ga kurushimi ga kieru Sadness and pain are fading away

心ごと体ごと 全部脱ぎ捨てたこの魂 kokoro goto karada goto zenbu nugisuteta kono tamashii My whole mind, my whole body, this is the soul after throwing off all of them
無くしてた熱情が 指先から流れ出した nakushiteta netsujou ga yubisaki kara nagaredashita The passion I’d lost started to flow out of my fingertips
恐れずに求めれば それは未来を変える Revolution osorezu ni motomereba sore wa mirai o kaeru Revolution If we want something without fear, that will become a revolution to change the future
こころ Knock Knock Knock 不思議 Trick Trick Trick kokoro Knock Knock Knock fushigi Trick Trick Trick Heart Knock Knock Knock, Mystery Trick Trick Trick,
奇跡は起きる (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow kiseki wa okiru (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow Miracles happen (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow

心ごと体ごと 全部記憶の中の幻 kokoro goto karada goto zenbu kioku no naka no maboroshi My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories
本当の愛情が 指先から流れ出した hontou no aijou ga yubisaki kara nagaredashita The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips
顔上げて微笑めば 笑顔取り戻す魔法になる kao agete hohoemeba egao torimodosu mahou ni naru If we lift our face and smile, that will become a magic to recover our beaming faces
こころ Knock Knock Knock 不思議 Trick Trick Trick kokoro Knock Knock Knock fushigi Trick Trick Trick Heart Knock Knock Knock, Mystery Trick Trick Trick,
生まれ変われる (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow umarekawareru (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow We can be reborn (Wow Wow) Freely Tomorrow

English translation by puroresuman1


This song was featured on the following albums:

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