Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
Jun 29, 2012
Luo Tianyi
Trii (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Chinese Pinyin English
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 Lā lā lā lā lā lā lā lā la La la la la la la la la la
晨风中的一缕光 Chén fēng zhōng de yī lǚ guāng A single ray of light in the morning breeze
折射梦想的宽广 Zhéshè mèngxiǎng de kuānguǎng reflects the breadth of the dream
音乐流淌向每个人心的海洋 Yīnyuè liútǎng xiàng měi gèrén xīn dì hǎiyáng Music flows within the sea of every heart
蔷薇花安静绽放 Qiángwēi huā ānjìng zhànfàng Roses peacefully bloom
熏香冰冷的水泥墙 Xūn xiāng bīnglěng de shuǐní qiáng their scents adorning the concrete wall
闪耀着生命 温暖的光芒 Shǎnyàozhe shēngmìng wēnnuǎn de guāngmáng Shining life and warm light

我 想要努力歌唱 Wǒ xiǎng yào nǔlì gēchàng I want to sing with all my strength
唱出每个的人梦想 Chàng chū měi gè de rén mèngxiǎng My voice reaching everyone's dreams
欢乐和悲伤 Huānlè he bēishāng Joy and misery
伸手抚平成长中的创伤 Shēnshǒu fǔ píng chéngzhǎng zhōng de chuāngshāng Reach out and smooth the wounds of growth
打开窗 放逐泪光 Dǎkāi chuāng fàngzhú lèi guāng Open the window and banish those shining tears
微笑迎接每个曙光 Wéixiào yíngjiē měi gè shǔguāng Greet the light of every dawn with a smile
禁锢的理想 总会破开茧 Jìngù de lǐxiǎng zǒng huì pò kāi jiǎn The cocoon of those trapped ideals can always be broken
展翅而翔 Zhǎnchì ér xiáng Spread your wings and soar
蓝色的天 很宽广 Lán sè de tiān hěn kuānguǎng The blue sky is so vast
总有容纳的地方 Zǒng yǒu róngnà dì dìfāng There is always a place that is meant for you
飞翔着 勇敢 呼吸 Fēixiángzhe yǒnggǎn hūxī Soar, be brave, and take a breath
感受梦寄宿的彼方 Gǎnshòu mèng jìsù de bǐfāng Feel the haven in your dreams

夜空中的一点光 Yèkōng zhōng de yīdiǎn guāng A single point of light in the night sky
照亮梦中的土壤 Zhào liàng mèng zhōng de tǔrǎng Illuminates the soil of your dreams
看见吗那是你向往的新篇章 Kànjiàn ma nà shì nǐ xiàngwǎng de xīn piānzhāng Do you see it? It's the new chapter you've been waiting for
跨过次元的阻挡 Kuàguò cìyuán de zǔdǎng Cross the barrier between dimensions
抬头是同样月光 Táitóu shì tóngyàng yuèguāng Lift your head like the rising moon
灵魂的深处 共鸣的信仰 Línghún de shēn chù gòngmíng de xìnyǎng The depths of the soul and the resonant faith

我 想和你一起唱 Wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ yīqǐ chàng I want to sing with you
唱出我们的魂 Chàng chū wǒmen de hún Our voices reaching into our souls
燃烧 生命的火光 Ránshāo shēngmìng de huǒguāng Burn on, flame of life
点亮全世界熄灭的梦想 Diǎn liàng quán shìjiè xímiè de mèngxiǎng Illuminate the dreams all over the world that are dying out
打开窗 试着眺望 Dǎkāi chuāng shìzhe tiàowàng Open the window and look out from above
拂晓将带来的辉光 Fúxiǎo jiāng dài lái de huī guāng The radiance brought by daybreak
晨星的微芒 也会穿透夜 Chénxīng de wéi máng yě huì chuān tòu yè Though hazy, the light of the morning star can still break through the night sky
照亮四方 Zhào liàng sìfāng to bring light to every corner of the world
折断的翅 很坚强 Zhéduàn de chì hěn jiānqiáng Broken wings are still so strong
承载满满的渴望 Chéngzài mǎn mǎn de kěwàng They bear every single hope and dream
努力 冲破墙 越过雾霾沼泽 Nǔlì chōngpò qiáng yuèguò wù mái zhǎozé They use their strength to breach walls and cross the foggy swamps
奔向远方 瑰色辉煌 Bēn xiàng yuǎnfāng guī sè huīhuáng Rushing towards the brilliant jade color in the distance

打开窗 放逐泪光 Dǎkāi chuāng fàngzhú lèi guāng Open the window and banish those shining tears
微笑迎接每个曙光 Wéixiào yíngjiē měi gè shǔguāng Greet the light of every dawn with a smile
禁锢的理想 总会破开茧 Jìngù de lǐxiǎng zǒng huì pò kāi jiǎn The cocoon of those trapped ideals can always be broken
展翅而翔 Zhǎnchì ér xiáng Spread your wings and soar
蓝色的天 很宽广 Lán sè de tiān hěn kuānguǎng The blue sky is so vast
总有容纳的地方 Zǒng yǒu róngnà dì dìfāng There is always a place that is meant for you
飞翔着勇敢 呼吸 Fēixiángzhe yǒnggǎn hūxī Soar, be brave, and take a breath
感受梦寄宿的彼方 Gǎnshòu mèng jìsù de bǐfāng Feel the haven in your dreams

English translation by LollyLover6312
