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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Epilogue TanakaB
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 30, 2011
Hatsune Miku
TanakaB (music, lyrics)
Moni (illustration)
12,000+ (NN), 700+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
下り坂の終わりにある 赤い月の照らす時計 kudarizaka no owari ni aru akai tsuki no terasu tokei At the end of a downward slope is a clock illuminated by a red moon.
まだらの夜 途切れながら 渇く地平線に向かう madara no yoru togire nagara kawaku chiheisen ni mukau On this intermittent, varicolored night, I head for the dried-up horizon.

風車にかき消された 烏と蝸牛の影 kazaguruma ni kakikesareta karasu to katatsumuri no kage Drowned out by the pinwheel were the shadows of a crow and a snail.
時計はまだ針を止めて 鉛の街並みにとける tokei wa mada hari o tomete namari no machinami ni tokeru The clock still has its hands at a standstill, blending into the leaden townscape.

やさしく尖る風に レプリカの花が咲いた yasashiku togaru kaze ni repurika no hana ga saita A replica flower bloomed in the gentle, sharp wind.
新しい朝 運命の青 誰も知らない世界 atarashii asa unmei no ao dare mo shiranai sekai A new morning. A blue of destiny. A world unfamiliar to anyone.

Hallo halo ぼくらは光の箱舟の体で空へ Hallo halo bokura wa hikari no hakobune no karada de sora e Hallo, halo! We take the shape of an ark of light and fly to the sky.
降り出した雨に滲む 赤い月が世界を照らし出す furidashita ame ni nijimu akai tsuki ga sekai o terashidasu Drenched with the rain that started to pour, a red moon brightens the whole world up.

プラティと羊のガリアルド purati to hitsuji no gariarudo A galliard of platy and sheep.
まわるランタンの観覧車 mawaru rantan no kanransha A Ferris wheel of revolving lanterns.
ジルバ・バウアみんなを連れて 森を下ってく jiruba baua minna o tsurete mori o kudatteku Jitterbug, balboa. They take everybody and go down the forest.

飾らない街の灯が 遍く空を閉じ込める kazaranai machi no hi ga amaneku sora o tojikomeru The streetlights in our artless city cage the skies up far and wide.
とまどいながら 受け入れるなら tomadoi nagara ukeireru nara Perplexed as you may be, accept it, and—

満ち足りていく世界 michitarite iku sekai The world will be satisfactory.

さようなら いつしか二人の涙で満たされた海は sayounara itsushika futari no namida de mitasareta umi wa Farewell. Sometime, the ocean was filled with our tears,
途切れては 焦がれた季節の真ん中で 今もささやいてる togirete wa kogareta kisetsu no mannaka de ima mo sasayaiteru And it’s still whispering in the middle of this intermittent, hoped-for season.

今はばたいてるのも 眩暈のせいにしたんだ ima habataiteru no mo memai no sei ni shita nda I’ve even blamed my dizziness for the fact I’m flying now.
始まりの朝 崩れゆく青 世界が動き出した hajimari no asa kuzure yuku ao sekai ga ugokidashita A morning of the beginning. A crumbling blue. The world has begun to move.

Hallo halo ぼくらの光の箱舟は彼方の空へ Hallo halo bokura no hikari no hakobune wa kanata no sora e Hallo, halo! Our ark of light’s destination is that distant sky.
怯えてた 暗闇の霧を照らして 虹の柱を昇る obieteta kurayami no kiri o terashite niji no hashira o noboru It lights up the pitch-dark fog I was scared of, and then sails up the rainbow pillow.

まだらの夜に すいこまれてく 赤い月の時計 madara no yoru ni suikomareteku akai tsuki no tokei Engulfed into the varicolored night is the clock of a red moon.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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