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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Blood, violence, death); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Embrace of Cactus
Song title
"Embrace of Cactus"
Original Upload Date
August 1, 2014
JUSF (music, lyrics)
Moriz (illustration)
Aesolen (video)
bilibili Broadcast / 5SING Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin
死去的时间 sǐqù de shíjiān
从不可理喻开始 cóng bùkě lǐyù kāishǐ
凝成一根根尖刺 níng chéngyī gēn gēn jiān cì
悄悄消失 qiāoqiāo xiāoshī
嘴上总是好好好的说 zuǐ shàng zǒngshì hǎohǎohǎo de shuō
其实心想不不不一定 qíshí xīnxiǎng bù bù bù yīdìng
像只苍蝇嗡嗡嗡地闹 xiàng zhǐ cāngyíng wēngwēngwēng de nào
飞来飞去 fēi lái fēi qù

她美丽的容貌 tā měilì de róngmào
让我心魂动摇 ràng wǒ xīnhún dòngyáo
无数次地幻想 wúshù cì de huànxiǎng
有一日能被她依靠 yǒuyī rì néng bèi tā yīkào

死去的时间 sǐqù de shíjiān
从回忆破碎开始 cóng huíyì pòsuì kāishǐ
凝成我铅做的心 níng chéng wǒ qiān zuò de xīn
悄悄消失 qiāoqiāo xiāoshī
嘴上总是好好好的说 zuǐ shàng zǒngshì hǎohǎohǎo de shuō
其实心想不不不一定 qíshí xīnxiǎng bù bù bù yīdìng
像只苍蝇嗡嗡嗡地闹 xiàng zhǐ cāngyíng wēngwēngwēng de nào
飞来飞去 fēi lái fēi qù

她美丽的容貌 tā měilì de róngmào
让我心魂动摇 ràng wǒ xīnhún dòngyáo
无数次地幻想 wúshù cì de huànxiǎng
有一日能被她拥抱 yǒuyī rì néng bèi tā yǒngbào
美丽容貌 měilì róngmào
让我的心魂动摇 ràng wǒ de xīnhún dòngyáo
只想要被人轻轻地依靠 zhǐ xiǎngyào bèi rén qīngqīng de yīkào
不想被嘲笑 bùxiǎng bèi cháoxiào
只想要个拥抱 zhǐ xiǎngyào gè yǒngbào

向我走过来的她 xiàng wǒ zǒu guòlái de tā
为何看起来那样害怕 wèihé kàn qǐlái nàyàng hàipà
为何害怕 wèihé hàipà
是手指疼吗 shì shǒuzhǐ téng ma
她美丽的容貌 tā měilì de róngmào
让我心魂动摇 ràng wǒ xīnhún dòngyáo
无数次地幻想 wúshù cì de huànxiǎng
有一日能被她拥抱 yǒuyī rì néng bèi tā yǒngbào
仙人掌想拥抱 xiānrénzhǎng xiǎng yǒngbào
仙人掌想拥抱 xiānrénzhǎng xiǎng yǒngbào
仙人掌想拥抱 xiānrénzhǎng xiǎng yǒngbào
拥抱 yǒngbào

死去的时间 sǐqù de shíjiān

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