Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
July 9, 2015
Luo Tianyi
JUSF (music, lyrics, movie)
Sya (illustration)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (authorized reprint, subbed)


Chinese Pinyin English
从遥远彼方传来了 cóng yáoyuǎn bǐfāng chuán láile There comes the sound of blooming flowers
花开叶落的声音 huā kāi yè luò de shēngyīn And falling leaves from the remote side
拒绝了王冠的英雄啊 jùjuéle wángguàn de yīngxióng a Heroes who relinquish crowns, stop,
正驻足倾听 zhèng zhùzú qīngtīng And are listening
从咫尺梦中传来了那人哭泣的声音 cóng zhǐchǐ mèng zhōng chuán láile nà rén kūqì de shēngyīn There comes the sound of her crying, from the near dream
归来吧请回应我的呼唤 guīlái ba qǐng huíyīng wǒ de hūhuàn Please respond to my calling
在消弭之际 zài xiāomǐ zhī jì And come back before you are fixed

忠贞的爱人 因爱生了恨 zhōngzhēn de àirén yīn ài shēngle hèn Faithful lover, which is stupider and stupider
因恨失自尊 越发地愚蠢 yīn hèn shī zìzūn yuèfā de yúchǔn Brings hate from love, and then loses self-esteem from hate
善恶已不辨 良莠亦不分 shàn è yǐ bù biàn liáng yǒu yì bù fēn There is no good or evil, right or wrong
裹挟了舆论 怜自己痴嗔 guǒxiéle yúlùn lián zìjǐ chī chēn Abducts opinions to pity its own hatred and delusion
美丽的爱人 温柔且温顺 měilì de àirén wēnróu qiě wēnshùn Beautiful lover, which in tender and meek,
只爱我一人 再不曾悔恨 zhǐ ài wǒ yīrén zài bu céng huǐhèn Love only me and never regret
冥王关上了 通向轮回的门 míngwáng guānshàngle tōng xiàng lúnhuí de mén Pluto, who is a god that lost its glory,
是失了光辉的神 shì shīle guānghuī de shén Closes the door leading to Samsara

被喂下这颗毒药的 bèi wèi xià zhè kē dúyào de Two unemotional flowers
两株冷漠的花 liǎng zhū lěngmò de huā That were fed this poison
散发着陈年的腐臭啊 sànfàzhe chén nián de fǔchòu a Still missing her even if
至今仍念着她 zhìjīn réng niànzhe tā It exudes the evil putrid rot
被喂下这颗毒药后 bèi wèi xià zhè kē dúyào hòu The hate can't be wiped
也无法将恨洗刷 yě wúfǎ jiāng hèn xǐshuā After being fed this poison
残留在口腔的那块骨骼 cánliú zài kǒuqiāng de nà kuài gǔgé The bone remained in the mouth
早已发芽 zǎoyǐ fāyá And has burgeoned

忠贞的爱人 因爱生了恨 zhōngzhēn de àirén yīn ài shēngle hèn Faithful lover, which is stupider and stupider
因恨失自尊 越发地愚蠢 yīn hèn shī zìzūn yuèfā de yúchǔn Brings hate from love, and then loses self-esteem from hate
善恶已不辨 良莠亦不分 shàn è yǐ bù biàn liáng yǒu yì bù fēn There is no good or evil, right or wrong
裹挟了舆论 怜自己痴嗔 guǒxiéle yúlùn lián zìjǐ chī chēn Abducts opinions to pity its own hatred and delusion
优雅的爱人 拨动了指针 yōuyǎ de àirén bō dòngle zhǐzhēn Elegant lover moves the needle
忘记了停顿 从此不相称 wàngjìle tíngdùn cóngcǐ bù xiāngchèn And forgets to stop, which is unbecoming
冥王关上了 通向轮回的门 míngwáng guānshàngle tōng xiàng lúnhuí de mén Pluto closes the door to Samsara
在门上烙下一吻 zài mén shàng lào xià yī wěn And marked a kiss

忠贞的爱人 因爱生了恨 zhōngzhēn de àirén yīn ài shēngle hèn Faithful lover, which is stupider and stupider
因恨失自尊 越发地愚蠢 yīn hèn shī zìzūn yuèfā de yúchǔn Brings hate from love, and then loses self-esteem from hate
善恶已不辨 良莠亦不分 shàn è yǐ bù biàn liáng yǒu yì bù fēn There is no good or evil, right or wrong
裹挟了舆论 怜自己痴嗔 guǒxiéle yúlùn lián zìjǐ chī chēn Abducts opinions to pity its own hatred and delusion
美丽的爱人 温柔且温顺 měilì de àirén wēnróu qiě wēnshùn Beautiful lover, which in tender and meek,
只爱我一人 再不曾悔恨 zhǐ ài wǒ yīrén zài bu céng huǐhèn Love only me and never regret
冥王关上了 通向轮回的门 míngwáng guānshàngle tōng xiàng lúnhuí de mén Pluto, who is a god that lost its glory,
是失了光辉的神 shì shīle guānghuī de shén Closes the door leading to Samsara

可悲的爱人 不相信理论 kěbēi de àirén bù xiāngxìn lǐlùn Pathetic lover, who didn't believe in the theory
被自信围困 永世难脱身 bèi zìxìn wéikùn yǒngshì nán tuōshēn Was besieged by confidence and had eternally no exit
惶惶然漂泊 空空然浮沉 huánghuáng rán piāobó kōngkōng rán fúchén Wander in panic and drift aimlessly,
自诩很残忍 见不得离分 zì xǔ hěn cánrěn jiànbùdé lí fēn She claims herself as a brutal that can't abide farewells
风干的爱人 冰冷的体温 fēnggān de àirén bīnglěng de tǐwēn Etched lover, who has cold temperature,
肩负着责任 白昼至黄昏 jiānfùzhe zérèn báizhòu zhì huánghūn Shoulders responsibilities from day to dusk
冥王关上了 通向轮回的门 míngwáng guānshàngle tōng xiàng lúnhuí de mén Pluto closes the door to Samsara
静候世界的延伸 jìng hòu shìjiè de yánshēn And awaited the extensions of the world

静候世界的延伸 jìng hòu shìjiè de yánshēn Awaiting the extensions of the world silently

English translation by VNN

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