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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: E.F.B ~Koukyuu no Hyouketsu~
English: E.F.B ~Eternal Force Blizzard~
Original Upload Date
May 26, 2012
Namine Ritsu
Toka Minatsuki (music, lyrics)
Usagibi (tuning)
Takahashi (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Versions[]

Short ver.
Upload date: October 12, 2009
Featuring: Canon
Producer(s): Toka Minatsuki
Full ver.
Upload date: October 23, 2009
Featuring: Canon
Producer(s): Toka Minatsuki


Japanese Romaji English
―涙の雨 黄昏は微笑み ―namida no ame tasogare wa hohoemi ―Dusk smiles in a shower of tears
闇に溶け込む 罪と罰 yami ni tokekomu tsumi to batsu In the darkness, crime and punishment merge into one
Response to a lie...
華麗に咲く 紅い薔薇は karei ni saku akai bara wa Blossoming in magnificence, the red rose
命の華 無情の棘 inochi no hana mujou no ibara is the flower of life with heartless thorns

傷付いた翼は 十字架に縛られ kizutsuita tsubasa wa juujika ni shibarare Wounded wings bounded to the cross
光や希望は失われた hikari ya kibou wa ushinawareta Light and hopes were lost
Response to a lie...

誇り高き魂は 永遠となり hokori takaki tamashii wa eien to nari The proud and dignified soul becomes eternal
狂気に満ちた 悪夢を生み堕とす kyouki ni michita akumu o umi otosu Giving degenerated birth to nightmares filled with madness

絶望と哀しみを 心に秘めて zetsubou to kanashimi o kokoro ni himete Keeping despair and sorrow secretly in my mind
苦痛に乱れる 負の記憶 kutsuu ni midareru fu no kioku Negative memories lapse into chaos in pain
And turned all fort blitz warm...

―涙の海 静寂は微睡み ―namida no umi seijaku wa madoromi ―In the sea of tears, tranquility is in slumber
闇に蠢く 咎と律 yami ni ugomeku toga to ritsu Crime and order stir in the darkness
Response to a lie...
幽かに射す 蒼い灯火(あかり) kasuka ni sasu aoi akari A blue flame glows faintly
零下の華 無情の光 reika no hana mujou no hikari An ice cold flower, and merciless light

凍てついた心は 運命に縛られ itetsuita kokoro wa unmei ni shibarare Frozen heart is bounded by fate
――願いや理想は失われた ――negai ya risou wa ushinawareta ――Wishes and hopes were lost
Response to a lie...

罪深き魂は 煉獄へ堕ち tsumibukaki tamashii wa rengoku e ochi A sinful soul falls into hell
恐怖に満ちた 輪廻を繰り返す kyoufu ni michita rinne o kurikaesu Going round and round in the cycles of life filled with terror

絶望と哀しみに 心を閉ざし zetsubou to kanashimi ni kokoro o tozashi The mind closes in despair and sorrow
孤独に震える負の記憶 kodoku ni furueru fu no kioku Negative memories of trembling in solitude
Everlasting force, do it there...

極寒の地の氷の神よ、我に力を与えたまえ。 gokkan no chi no koori no kami yo, waga ni chikara o ataeta mae. O great Ice God, I summon you. Lend me thine power!
歌声は氷柱、氷柱は剣。 utagoe wa hyouchuu, hyouchuu wa tsurugi. Twist my song into a pillar of ice; sharpen the pillar of ice into a blade
身を貫きし氷の刃よ mi o tsuranukishi koori no yaiba yo Let this Blade of Ice cut a path through mine enemies!
今嵐となり我が障壁を壊さん! ima arashi to nari waga shouheki o kowasan! Rage and churn an impervious wave of tempest around me!

囚われの堕天使―― toraware no datenshi―― A captured fallen angel――
La La La...

気高き魂は 言霊を得て kedakaki tamashii wa kotodama o ete The proud and dignified soul receives the power of words
瘴気に満ちた 悪夢を振り解く shouki ni michita akumu o furihotoku Breaking the shackle from the nightmare of madness

絶望と哀しみに 氷結(こおり)を纏い zetsubou to kanashimi ni koori o matoi Enclosing despair and sorrow in ice
彷徨う魔力(ちから) 解き放つ samayou chikara tokihanatsu Releasing the wandering power
エターナルフォースブリザード… etaanaru foosu burizaado… Eternal Force Blizzard...

English translation by hokorichan


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]


