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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Phon DoubleActor
Song title
"Double Actor"
Original Upload Date
April 1, 2022
Hatsune Miku
Phon (music, lyrics, arrangement)
Aota Dengaku (illustration)
900+ (NN), 7,500+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
不安に次第安泰 fuan ni shidai antai I was getting less and less anxious,
依然息切らしてた izen iki kirashiteta But still, I was out of breath.

往来視界幻惑 ourai shikai genwaku Comings and goings dazzle my sight.
下位は唯辛抱 kai wa tada shinbou The lower classes just have to be patient.

不穏にして後退 fuon ni shite koutai Due to turbulence, I retreat.
余罪具合障害 yozai guai shougai For further crimes, there’ll be troubles with your health.

酩酊くらい情状 meitei kurai joujou Mere intoxication is extenuation.
唯、泣いてゐたい tada, naite itai I simply want to cry.

楽に死ねない完治して raku ni shinenai kanchi shite I can’t die so easily, for I’ve completely recovered.
先ずは後悔に塩塗って mazu wa koukai ni shio nutte First of all, I’ll rub salt in my regrets.
全部 zenbu Embrace
抱きしめて dakishimete And pinpoint
突き止めて tsukitomete Everything.
勝敗に属してゐれば shouhai ni zokushite ireba As long as you stick to the outcome of the battle—

崩壊に抜糸して houkai ni basshi shite Remove the stitches for the collapse.
淵底暗い射して entei kurai sashite The abyss is so dark, so illumine it.
暴論観ない後退 bouron minai koutai In the retraction where groundless arguments cannot be seen,
絶賛恨ん豪快 zessan uran goukai Reproachful praises go wild!

証明は伽羅に尊厳採算 shoumei wa kyara ni songen saisan Proof goes for flattery, worth my dignity.
暗号盲目に眩惑反対 angou moumoku ni genwaku hantai Blind to the cipher, it objects to the daze.
早急に sakkyuu ni Immediately,
駆け着けて kaketsukete Rush over here
去なしこんで inashikonde And dodge it skillfully.
不安にしないで本来 fuan ni shinaide honrai Don’t make me anxious; I’m not supposed to be!

何故 naze Why is it
真っ当になってもう mattou ni natte mou That my true nature still love
本性は honshou wa Cruelty
残酷を愛してゐる zankoku o aishite iru Even after I became so decent?
全部奪い切るくらい訳ない zenbu ubaikiru kurai wakenai It’s an easy task plundering every single thing.
何も残れない nani mo nokorenai There will be nothing left.
解消して延滞 kaishou shite entai I cancel and hold it off.

故に yueni Therefore,
高齢になってもう kourei ni natte mou In spite of its advanced age,
現在(いま)は過去を穿っている ima wa kako o ugatte iru The present still pierces through the past.
何も残していないなら nani mo nokoshite inai nara If there’s nothing you’re leaving behind,
火急に託して kakyuu ni takushite Entrust me with it right away.

何故? naze? Why is it
真っ当になっても   mattou ni natte mo That the fate is cruelly approaching
運命は残酷に迫っている unmei wa zankoku ni sematte iru Even after I became so decent?
意志を殺して ishi o koroshite I kill my intention,
突き飛ばして tsukitobashite Thrust it away,
飼い尽くして kai tsukushite Tame it completely—
東京 toukyou Tokyo.

何故 naze Why is it
真っ当になってもう mattou ni natte mou That the times put a slight
時代は尊厳 jidai wa songen Upon my dignity
軽視している keishi shite iru Even after I became so decent?
もっと見下して motto mikudashite Despise me even more—
憐れんで awarende Feel pity for me!
汚して嗜好 kegashite shikou Stain my preferences.

素手を伸ばして sude o nobashite I wish to put out my bare hands,
願って negatte Pray,
匿っていたい kakumatte itai And give harbor to you!

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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