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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Doppelganger YuuP
Song title
Original Upload Date
April 27, 2013
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
UtopiaLyric (music, lyrics)
Manul Neko (illustration)
Sakky (movie)
3,000+ (NN), 800+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (unlisted)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
サヨナラ サヨナラ I fade away sayonara sayonara I fade away Goodbye. Goodbye. I fade away.

サヨナラ サヨナラ sayonara sayonara Goodbye. Goodbye.

街で見かけた影は machi de mikaketa kage wa The person I stumbled upon in town
My heart hazing by fear nondescript My heart hazing by fear nondescript With my heart hazing by fear, nondescript,
見慣れた顔をしていた minareta kao o shite ita Wore a face I was very familiar with.
It laughed at me ... laughed definitely to see me It laughed at me ... laughed definitely to see me “It” laughed at me... laughed definitely to see me.

すれ違い様 寒気がした surechigaizama samuke ga shita As we passed each other, I felt a chill.
交差点の中 立ち止まる kousaten no naka tachidomaru In the intersection, I stopped walking.
Go on! Noticing me! Save me! and Help me! Go on! Noticing me! Save me! and Help me! Go on! Notice me! Save me! And help me!

見覚えない友だち いつの間に買われた洋服 mioboenai tomodachi itsunoma ni kawareta youfuku With a friend unfamiliar to me, in those clothes you bought without my noticing,
記憶にないケンカで孤立する "何"が起きてる? kioku ni nai kenka de koritsu suru "nani" ga okiteru? And in a fight that’s not in my mind, you isolate me. Exactly what is happening?

linked way ... breaked mind linked way ... breaked mind Linked way... broken mind.


パパもママもいつも通り まるで私が"其処"に居るかのように papa mo mama mo itsumodoori maru de watashi ga "soko" ni iru ka no you ni Daddy and Mommy are the same as usual; as if I really was there,
肩を叩いても 大声出しても 気づかない 聞こえない kata o tataite mo oogoe dashite mo kizukanai kikoenai Even if I tap their shoulders and shout at them, they won’t notice. They can’t hear me.

誰にも知られずに消えてゆく dare ni mo shirarezu ni kiete yuku Unnoticed by all, I’m vanishing.
I was there ... I was there until now I was there ... I was there until now I was there... I was there until now.
消えた事実さえ残らない kieta jijitsu sae nokoranai Even the fact that I’m gone will not remain.
still you love me? ... reminiscence still you love me? ... reminiscence Do you still love me? ...reminiscence.

大嫌いな"鏡の中の自分"が今 目の前にいる daikirai na kagami no naka ni jibun ga ima menomae ni iru Now, “myself in the mirror”—whom I really do hate—is in front of me.
this is a counterattack directed to me by me this is a counterattack directed to me by me This is a counterattack directed to me by me.

お気に入りのペンケース 趣味の花 つぎつぎ替えられ okiniiri no penkeesu shumi no hana tsugitsugi kaerare My treasured pen case, my favorite flowers—they’re all being replaced,
記録にも残らない あしあとも消えてしまう kiroku ni mo nokoranai ashiato mo kiete shimau And they won’t stay in anyone’s memory. Even my footprints will be erased.
薄れ始めた身体 夢じゃない usurehajimeta karada yume ja nai My body started to fade away. This isn’t a dream.
「最期でいい、もし誰か覚えてくれていたら…言おう」 "saigo de ii, moshi dareka oboete kurete itara... iou" “I accept this. But if by any chance there were someone who remembers me... then I would like to say,”

サヨナラ sayonara Goodbye.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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