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Distorted Desert
Song title
"Distorted Desert"
Original Upload Date
October 28, 2013
RadiantCadenza (music, lyrics)
Filip Radulescu (illustration)
100+ (NN), 200+ (YT), 100+ (SC)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
SoundCloud Broadcast


Burning winds caress my skin
as desert sands scratch my eyes.

My journey,
filled with agony and sorrow,
stretches on for eternity.
-Lost deep within the sands of time-

Solar rays assault my face
as mirages haunt my mind.

My journey,
filled with sacrifice and courage,
stretches on for eternity.
-Lost deep within the sands of time-

Countless footprints trail behind me,
off to a long lost horizon.
Where am I heading?
My destination is long forgotten

My journey,
filled with discovery and wonder,
stretches onto eternity
as I wonder through the sands of time.

External links[]
