! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"Dirty Crepeは眠らない" Romaji: Dirty Crepe wa Nemuranai English: Dirty Crepe Doesn't Sleep | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 27, 2021 | |||
Singer | |||
flower | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Sakuramochi Runa (music, lyrics)
へにょたつ (illustration) とり (video) たかまる (producer) 染井悉 ちとせ ゴリ丸ウホ美 ちゅみ えまん その他ダークライ制作委員会 (rap, lyrics, assistants) | |||
Views | |||
21,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
Image song for Kurokawa Kuromu. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
眠る街 |
nemuru machi tobari orite | In the sleeping town, a veil has fallen, |
幕開ける 無人ロードショー | makuakeru mujin roodoshoo | And the curtain rises for the unmanned road show. |
嘆く声 虚しく響く | nageku koe munashiku hibiku | Grieving voices echo in vain. |
残るのは ただ 後遺症 | nokoru no wa tada kouishou | The only thing that’s left is the aftereffect. |
終わらない 夢は甘美 | owaranai yume wa kanbi | The endless dream is so sweet. |
永遠の時 手放して | eien no toki tebanashite | Letting go of the eternal time, |
koinegau gokusai tokoyo | You wish for the gorgeously colored paradise. | |
光射す 深淵の狭間 | hikarisasu shin'en no hazama | Light shines into a gap of the abyss. |
狂い出す 時の針 | kuruidasu toki no hari | Going off are the hands of time; |
下り堕ちる 月の影 | kudariochiru tsuki no kage | Falling down is the moonlight. |
今宵紡ぐ 言の葉は | koyoi tsumugu kotonoha wa | Are the words we’re going to weave tonight |
真か幻か? | makoto ka maboroshi ka? | The truth or an illusion? |
さぁ |
saa tiipaati o hajimeyou | Now, let us begin a feast (tea party)! |
昼夜時を選ばず | chuuya toki o erabazu | Regardless of day or night, |
黒い夢を見続けよう | kuroi yume o mitsuzukeyou | Let’s keep dreaming a black dream, |
もう目 覚まさぬよう | mou me samesanu you | So that you won’t be awakened again. |
内に 秘めた記憶の欠片 | uchi ni himeta kioku no kakera | Those fragments of the memory I concealed inside |
gareria kakeru tsuisou | Are retrospections running about the museum (galleria). | |
真紅と青藍の双眸 細めて笑って | shinku to seiran no soubou hosomete waratte | I narrow my two eyes, crimson- and indigo-colored, to make a smile. |
幕開けて踊り狂おう | makuake teodori kuruou | Let’s draw the curtain and dance in ecstasy. |
鳴り止む事無い アンコール | nariyamu koto nai ankooru | The call for an encore doesn’t know when to cease. |
一夢の退屈しのぎ | hitoyume no taikutsu shinogi | This dream will help you relieve the boredom— |
特等席へご案内 | tokutou seki e goannai | Let me guide you to the special seat! |
Are you a Werewolf?《汝は人狼なりや?》 | Are you a Werewolf? | Are you a Werewolf? |
反論聞かず開腹 | hanron kikazu kaifuku | Without listening to your counterargument, I open up your stomach. |
《Dirty》汚れ役《liar》嘘つき | Dirty liar | Dirty liar. |
縄吊るす快楽 | nawatsurusu kairaku | Pleasure of hanging you with rope. |
純然たる契約 名役演じる | junzentaru keiyaku meiyaku enjiru | Through this pure and simple contract, I play an excellent actor. |
noと言わせない講釈 | no to iwasenai koushaku | My storytelling won’t let you say “no”— |
その脳の破壊工作 | sono nou no hakai kousaku | It’s a sabotage of your brain. |
黒い夢に溺れよう | kuroi yume ni oboreyou | Let’s drown in a black dream, |
もう目 覚めさぬよう | mou me samesanu you | So that you won’t be awakened again. |
いつか夢見た理想の欠片 | itsuka yumemita risou no kakera | Those fragments of the ideal I dreamt of one day |
ガレリア巡る極彩 | gareria meguru gokusai | Are gorgeous colors travelling around the galleria. |
この運命を称えるのなら | kono unmei o tataeru no nara | If you’d like to praise this destiny, |
どうか笑っていて | douka waratte ite | Please keep laughing. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.