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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Buono Daydream
Song title
Original Upload Date
April 23, 2022 (album release date)
Buono (music, lyrics)
Spacelectro (mastering)
しのうら (illustration)
500+ (NN), 1,400+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / Bandcamp Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
桜舞う日の 優しい風吹く sakura mau hi no yasashii kaze fuku A gentle wind blows on a day of swirling cherry blossoms
隣でささやく 君に微笑んで tonari de sasayaku kimi ni hohoende You whisper next to me, and I smile at you
見上げた空は いつもと違って見えた miageta sora wa itsumo to chigatte mieta The sky I gazed up at looked different than usual
その理由はきっと 君がそばにいるから sono riyuu wa kitto kimi ga soba ni iru kara Surely, the reason for that is because you’re by my side

君のこと 全てを見せて kimi no koto subete o misete Show me everything about you
僕のこと 愛してみせてよ boku no koto aishite misete yo Show me that you love me
夢でいい 終わらせないで yume de ii owarasenaide I don’t care if it’s a dream, don’t let it end
眠り覚めて 朝焼け空 nemuri samete asayake sora I sleep and I wake, and the sky glows with sunrise

どんな言葉も 胸を高鳴らせる donna kotoba mo mune o takanaraseru Any words you say cause a throbbing in my chest
ありふれた言葉 君に贈りたい arifureta kotoba kimi ni okuritai I want to give you my ordinary words
射し込む日差し 朝靄窓を濡らし sashikomu hizashi asamoya mado o nurashi Illuminated by the rays of the sun, my window grows wet with the morning’s mist
幸せ感じてる 僕の答え探して shiawase kanjiteru boku no kotae sagashite And I’ll search for my answer to this feeling of happiness

君のこと 全てを見せて kimi no koto subete o misete Show me everything about you
僕のこと 愛してみせてよ boku no koto aishite misete yo Show me that you love me
夢でいい 終わらせないで yume de ii owarasenaide I don’t care if it’s a dream, don’t let it end
眠り覚めて 朝焼け空 nemuri samete asayake sora I sleep and I wake, and the sky glows with sunrise

English translation by Aceredshirt13, with an edit by Violet


This song was featured on the following album:

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