Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
November 5, 2008
Peperon-P (music, lyrics)
Nekomattan (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
午前2時の部屋に gozen niji no heya ni In a room at 2 o'clock am
独り膝を抱えている hitori hiza wo kakaeteiru I am alone holding my knees
窓の外は弱い雨が mado no soto wa yowai ame ga Outside the window, a weak rain
まだ降り続いている mada furi tsuzuiteiru still continues to fall

見透かされていることに気付いて misukasareteiru koto ni kizuite Being aware that I had been seen through
振りほどったその両手を furi hodotta sono ryoute wo I had broke free from those hands....
きっと私は後悔せずに kitto watashi wa koukai sezu ni I guess I won't regret over those hands and...
生きてゆくから ikiteyuku kara I will live on

But now, I'm waiting for your words.
胸の奥、焦がした炎は mune no oku, kogashita honoo wa The fire that burned the depth of my heart
紅く燃えて akaku moete In crimson, it flames up and
私を見つめ続ける watashi wo mitsume tsuzukeru It stares me on

言葉にして、いつか kotoba ni shite, itsuka Making it to a word and someday
読み返す手紙のように yomikaesu tegami no you ni We read over.... like those letters,
しまいこんで、そっと shimai konde, sotto I tucked it away, quietly and
いまの心を閉じ込めておくの ima no kokoro wo tojikometeoku no ...I'll shut up my heart this moment

But now, I'm looking for your hearts.
とめどなく溢れる想いは tomedonaku afureru omoi wa Thoughts/hearts that overflow endlessly will
叫びへと変わり sakebi e to kawari Change into calls/cries
あなたを求め続ける anata wo motome tsuzukeru It continues to seek you

明日のために何を残して ashita no tame ni nani wo nokoshite For tomorrow, what should I leave and
何を捨てればいいのだろう nani wo sutereba ii no darou what should I throw away
きっと私は歩き続けて kitto watashi wa aruki tsuzukete Certainly, I can walk on and
見つけ出せるから mitsuketaseru kara find out, so

Don't you? My heart is crimson color.
本当の私はここにいる hontou no watashi wa koko ni iru The true me exists here
紅に包まれて aka ni tsutsumarete Enfolded by crimson
いつまでもここにいるから itsumademo koko ni iru kara I will be here forever, so

But now, I'm waiting for your words.
胸の奥、焦がした炎は mune no oku, kogashita honoo wa The fire that burned the depth of my heart
紅く燃えて akaku moete In crimson, it flames up and
私を見つめ続ける watashi wo mitsume tsuzukeru It stares me on

English translation by soundares
Please note that this translator is on Damesukekun's old neutral translators list. While this translation likely conveys the core meaning of the song, it may contain mistakes due to the translator's lack of experience. It's very possible that this translation has no significant mistakes, but this translator has been known to not be consistently accurate, so please exercise caution when using or referencing this translation and don't take it for granted as entirely accurate.


This song was featured on the following album:

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