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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Yoyo - Checkmate
Song title
Original Upload Date
May 26, 2016
Luo Tianyi
yoyo BunNii (music, lyrics)


Chinese Pinyin English
運籌漢水烏江,帷幄彭城咸陽 yùnchóu hàn shuǐ wūjiāng, wéiwò péngchéng xiányáng Devising strategems at the Han-Wu tributaries, setting army camps around PengCheng and XianYang
一刀切的界疆,楚河漢界一方 yīdāoqiē de jiè jiāng, chǔ hé hàn jiè yīfāng The territorial borders are as if sliced by a knife, with the Chu and Han territories divided by a river[1]
被識破的伎倆,被攻破的關防 bèi shìpò de jìliǎng, bèi gōngpò de guānfáng The tricks have been seen through, the defense line has been broken
被圍剿的孤將,無力回天的相 bèi wéijiǎo de gū jiāng, wúlì huí tiān de xiāng The lone general has been besieged, the bishops are too powerless to restore the situation
雖然你很沮喪,雖然你會成長 suīrán nǐ hěn jǔsàng, suīrán nǐ huì chéngzhǎng Even though you’re very frustrated, even though you can still improve,
但是請你先讓自己習慣投降 dànshì qǐng nǐ xiān ràng zìjǐ xíguàn tóuxiáng Please first let yourself become accustomed to surrendering
勝敗兵家之常,不用放在心上 shèngbài bīngjiā zhī cháng, bùyòng fàng zài xīnshàng Soldiers often win and lose, don’t take it personally
你我差距就像螢火對月光 nǐ wǒ chājù jiù xiàng yíng huǒ duì yuèguāng The difference between you and me is like the light of a firefly versus the light of the moon

叫將 馭白駒現蹄威震八方 jiào jiāng yù báijū xiàn tí wēi zhèn bāfāng Checkmate[2], the white horses now stand tall in all directions[3]
叫將 驅兵卒過河我武維揚 jiào jiāng qū bīngzúguò hé wǒ wǔ wéiyáng Checkmate, ordering the soldiers across the river to defend my military's valor
叫將 觀棋不語的現實戰場 jiào jiāng guān qí bù yǔ de xiànshí zhànchǎng Checkmate, watching the board silently on this realistic battlefield
叫將 我怕會讓你自尊受傷 jiào jiāng wǒ pà huì ràng nǐ zìzūn shòushāng Checkmate, I fear that this will hurt your self-esteem
叫將 衝單車陷陣無人能擋 jiào jiāng chōng dānchē xiànzhèn wúrén néng dǎng Checkmate, nobody can stop the lone chariot from infiltrating enemy ranks
叫將 架炮碾丹砂顛倒陰陽 jiào jiāng jià pào niǎn dānshā diāndǎo yīnyáng Checkmate, setting cannons to crush the enemy[4], turning everything on its head
叫將 起手無回的徹底絕望 jiào jiāng qǐ shǒu wú huí de chèdǐ juéwàng Checkmate, the complete despair of being unable to take back that previous move
叫將 希望你不會太過沮喪 jiào jiāng xīwàng nǐ bù huì tàiguò jǔsàng Checkmate, I hope you won’t be too frustrated

叫將 馭白駒現蹄威震八方 jiào jiāng yù báijū xiàn tí wēi zhèn bāfāng Checkmate, the white horses now stand tall in all directions
叫將 驅兵卒過河我武維揚 jiào jiāng qū bīngzúguò hé wǒ wǔ wéiyáng Checkmate, ordering the soldiers across the river to defend my military's valor
叫將 觀棋不語的現實戰場 jiào jiāng guān qí bù yǔ de xiànshí zhànchǎng Checkmate, watching the board silently on this realistic battlefield
叫將 我怕會讓你自尊受傷 jiào jiāng wǒ pà huì ràng nǐ zìzūn shòushāng Checkmate, I fear that this will hurt your self-esteem
叫將 衝單車陷陣無人能擋 jiào jiāng chōng dānchē xiànzhèn wúrén néng dǎng Checkmate, nobody can stop the lone chariot from infiltrating enemy ranks
叫將 架炮碾丹砂顛倒陰陽 jiào jiāng jià pào niǎn dānshā diāndǎo yīnyáng Checkmate, setting cannons to crush the enemy, turning everything on its head
叫將 起手無回的徹底絕望 jiào jiāng qǐ shǒu wú huí de chèdǐ juéwàng Checkmate, the complete despair of being unable to take back that previous move
叫將 希望你不會太過沮喪 jiào jiāng xīwàng nǐ bù huì tàiguò jǔsàng Checkmate, I hope you won’t be too frustrated

English translation by nameless-spy and Anonymous, with edits by Emiliers

Translation Notes[]

  1. These first two lines are explicit references to the Chu–Han Contention, largely because the Xiangqi board is based on the conflict. The "river" is an actual feature on the board.
  2. 叫將 is actually more accurately translated to "Check", but it's rendered as "Checkmate" here since the song itself is called "Checkmate" (and referred to as 叫將 in Chinese).
  3. Refers to a specific xiangqi move wherein the horses take over the corners previously held by the enemy soldiers, thus leaving them a direct line to attack the enemy general.
  4. A specific xiangqi move that involves moving your cannons behind enemy lines (across the river) to encircle the enemy.

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