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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
Song title
Original Upload Date
February 8, 2015
seleP (music, lyrics)
Tatsuki (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.

Japanese Romaji English
白い肌に 突き刺さる傷 shiroi hada ni tsukisasaru kizu Your fair skin is being marred by the gashing wounds.
願いはまだ 届かないのに negai wa mada todokanai no ni Though you have yet to know my wish, all I can do
立ち尽くして 涙を堪え tachitsukushite namida o korae is to stand still here, trying to hold in my tears.
胸の中が 掻き乱されて mune no naka ga kakimidasarete My heart has been thrown into disarray.
意識が今 擦れ始める ishiki ga ima kasurehajimeru My consciousness is starting to crumble down.
流れていく 何も出来ずに nagareteiku nani mo dekizu ni What’s flowing away—I can’t do anything about it.
愛したのは あなたの中に aishita no wa anata no naka ni All that I loved is inside of you.
信じていた 裏切られていたの shinjiteita uragirareteita no I trusted you, yet I was cruelly betrayed.

泣いていた あなたを抱きしめたくて naiteita anata o dakishimetakute I’ve been crying, ’cause I just wanted to hold you close.
虚ろな瞳は どこか淋しげで utsuro na hitomi wa doko ka sabishige de There’s something so sad in your blank gaze.
流れる血が まだ止まらないままで nagareru chi ga mada tomaranai mama de Your blood is still gushing out nonstop.
躊躇う思いが 邪魔になっていく tamerau omoi ga jama ni natteiku My hesitation is starting to get in the way.
唇を重ね合わせた 蕾は kuchibiru o kasaneawaseta tsubomi wa The flower buds were once sharing a kiss,
幻と共に 儚く散ってく maboroshi to tomo ni hakanaku chitteku but now they’re scattering away so fragilely, along with the illusion.
堕ちた花弁が 舞い散る願いは ochita hanabira ga maichiru negai wa All the while, the fallen petals and the broken wish
叶わぬ思いを 踏み潰したまま kanawanu omoi o fumitsubushita mama are still trampling on my futile feelings.

白い肌に 突き刺さる傷 shiroi hada ni tsukisasaru kizu Your fair skin is being marred by the gashing wounds.
願いはまだ 届かないのに negai wa mada todokanai no ni Though my wish has yet to reach you, all I can do
立ち尽くして 涙を堪え tachitsukushite namida o korae is to stand still here, trying to hold in my tears.
胸の中が 掻き乱されて mune no naka ga kakimidasarete My heart has been thrown into disarray.
意識が今 擦れ始める ishiki ga ima kasurehajimeru My consciousness is starting to crumble down.
流れていく 何も出来ずに nagareteiku nani mo dekizu ni What’s flowing away—I can’t do anything about it.
愛したのは あなたの中に aishita no wa anata no naka ni All that I loved is inside of you.
信じていた 裏切られていたの shinjiteita uragirareteita no I trusted you, yet I was cruelly betrayed.

裂ける傷痕が 冷たく切ない sakeru kizuato ga tsumetaku setsunai Your gashing wounds feel so cold, it makes me sad.
伝えたい事は 愛している事 tsutaetai koto wa aishiteiru koto All I wanted you to know was that I love you.
私を見てくれなくても毎日 watashi o mitekurenakutemo mainichi Even if you wouldn’t look at me,
あなただけをただ 見つめていたくて anata dake o tada mitsumeteitakute I just wanted to watch you, and only you, every single day.

奪われたものは 取り戻したくて ubawareta mono wa torimodoshitakute I only want to take back what was stolen from me.
全てを捨てても 守りたかったの subete o sutete mo mamoritakatta no I wanted to protect it at all costs, even if I have to cast aside everything else.
突き刺す刃が とても美しく tsukisasu yaiba ga totemo utsukushiku The knife looks so beautiful, stuck into your body like that.
全てを映した 鏡の二人が… subete o utsushita kagami no futari ga… In the mirror reflecting everything, the two of us

美しく 儚く散ってく utsukushiku hakanaku chitteku Until the flower petals flutter down
花弁が 舞い散る時まで hanabira ga maichiru toki made gracefully, fragilely,
何も無くて ただあの人を nani mo nakute tada ano hito o I simply want to get rid of that individual.
消し去りたい その思いだけ keshisaritai sono omoi dake That’s all I want; there’s nothing else.

突き刺さる 流れ続けてる tsukisasaru nagaretsuzuketeru The knife is still stuck in your body, and your blood is still flowing.
鮮血を 眺め続けてる senketsu o nagametsuzuketeru I keep gazing at the fresh blood gushing out.
やっと あなたとの時間だね yatto anata to no jikan da ne It’s finally our time alone together.
他には 何もいらない記憶だけ……… hoka ni wa nani mo iranai kioku dake... The memories are enough; I don’t need anything else

English translation by Hazuki no Yume


This song was featured on the following album:

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