This is a list of songs that utilize the VOCALOID voicebank CYBER DIVA. CYBER DIVA is a English VOCALOID developed by YAMAHA JPN. CYBER DIVA was released on February 4, 2015. CYBER DIVA was voiced by Jenny Shima.
Read more about CYBER DIVA on VOCALOID Wiki.
Trending pages
Secret Garden -
サイバーサンダーサイダー (Cyber Thunder Cider) -
Exorcism -
Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two) -
愛 (Ai)/Creep-P -
Zombie/CircusP -
HappySunday -
Try Again/MonochroMenace
All items (959)
- A Better Time
- A Couple Of Dreamers
- A cup of Green Tea
- A Fairy Tale Or Two
- A Letter to You, Jesus
- A Little At A Time
- A Memory From The Past
- A Piece Of My Heart
- A Rappin Christmas
- A World To Escape
- A World Without You/KOTOBA
- Absurdium Ridiculum! (2020)
- Addiction/Karyuudo
- After The Dawn
- Again And Again
- 愛 (Ai)/Creep-P
- 爱 (Ài)/boyuan
- Alice/furez
- Alive/heart marm
- Alive/Scratch Melody
- All For Christmas
- All in Duet
- Allies
- Am i smile
- Ambitious
- Amp It Up
- Amy/Sparkee X
- Anarchy/Jade Kaiba
- And The Angels Sang
- Andromeda's Halo
- Andy and Susie
- Anguish
- Animal Crossing Song
- Another Port In The Storm
- Anxiety Ballad
- Anxiety/Nanamili
- Apologize
- Arc
- Ares
- Aria of the Apocalypse
- Arrythmia
- As The Crow Flies
- Assimilation
- Astro Vampires
- Atomic Blonde
- Atsushi
- Automatic/Perty
- Avocado Tequila
- Back Door Lover
- Back For You
- Bad Actor
- Bananas Crackers And Nuts
- Battle Cry/apol
- Beautiful/StardustLegend
- Beauty/noyus
- Become Like Before
- Before My Brain Shuts Early
- Before You FALL
- Behind Shadows
- 北溟辞赋~Battle of Jutland (Běi Míng Cífù ~Battle of Jutland)
- Believers
- Best Practices
- Bia
- Binney
- Black butterfly
- 👁 Black Coffee
- Blackened Harmony
- Blame It On The DJ
- Bleeding Glass - My Feeling
- Blink Twice
- Blithe
- Blix
- Blood On The Rocks
- Blood Pact
- Blue Tooth
- Bomb Bomb
- Bonsai Moon
- Botany Bay
- Both Of Us/AleMegpoid&Hiyimi
- Box
- Brunton's Last Wish
- Buttermilk!
- ケーブル -Cable- (Cable -Cable-)
- California Sunshine
- Can't A Gal Get A Break
- Can't Do It
- Can't Get Enough
- Can't Live Without
- Can't Stop Dancing
- Can't Take it
- Can't Wait For The Music
- Candy Coated Mind Control
- Candy Girl/NebulaPro2
- Candy Lightning
- Candy Striper
- Carbon Dating
- Carbon Fibre Recon Squad
- Cat Party Baby
- Catch Me If You Can/Steven Wagenheim
- Cats and Beetles
- Caught In The Crossfire
- Caught You Peeking
- Cause I Love You
- Centipede
- Chain Of Lies
- Chain of Memories
- Chainsaw Love
- Change The World/The Angel's Cove
- Chaos Timer
- Chasing Shadows
- Chimera/Steven Wagenheim
- Christmas Miracles
- Cinders
- Circus of Hell
- Classic/Yesi-chan
- Climbing Statues
- Clockwork/Athena Z
- Cloudy Skies
- Club
- Clutch
- Come On Down
- Comedy
- Coming of the Masochists
- Contraption of Nonsense
- Copy Cats
- Corkscrew Angel
- Corpse Party
- Countdown/NebulaPro2
- Crashing Down On Me
- Creature Figure (Type A)
- Creatures Of Habit
- Creeping Shadow
- Cry of Distress
- Crystal Hearts
- CTRL/fluffy waffles
- Cul-De-Sac/Creep-P
- CYBER DIVA is Virtual Singer Software
- サイバーサンダーサイダー (Cyber Thunder Cider)
- Cyberdaemon
- 「Cymatics」
- Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two)
- Dancing With Davy Jones
- Dangerous Curves
- Dark Hearted Devil
- Dark MATTER Sprouts ~Re~
- Darkest Repression
- Day 1/Perty
- Day 404 (Earth to Perty)
- Day of Christmas
- Day One
- Dea
- Dead Zone/Steven Wagenheim
- Deadbolt
- Death Party
- Debut!
- Decadal Escape
- Decade More
- Deep Café
- Defrost
- Despairful Trial
- Destination Temptation
- Destiny of the universe
- Destiny Rides Again
- Dichotomous
- Dictatorship
- Different Game
- Directions
- Dirty Little Mind
- Disappointment and Bitterness
- Discussion
- Disintegrate
- Distorted Self-Image Mirror
- Distracted Swimming Pool
- Diva/AdyS
- Diva/Steven Wagenheim
- Divas
- Dive into Lava
- Divide/All Hell Breaks Loops
- Divine Retribution
- DJ E-ism Redux
- Do You Know Now?
- Does She Make You Happy?