This is a list of songs partially produced by the producer Gibson where they did not contribute to the music, composition, lyrics, arrangement, tuning, or visuals of the song, but instead worked on something else. For other works by this producer, go to their main category.
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桜日和とタイムマシン (Sakurabiyori to Time Machine) -
赤心性:カマトト荒療治 (Sekishinsei: Kamatoto Araryouji) -
世界寿命と最後の一日 (Sekai Jumyou to Saigo no Ichinichi) -
洗脳 (Sennou)/Neru -
へたくそユートピア政策 (Hetakuso Utopia Seisaku) -
孤独ノ隠レンボ (Kodoku no Kakurenbo) -
悪の華 (Aku no Hana)/-K-
All items (21)