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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Cassis Spacelectro
Song title
Original Upload Date
April 25, 2021
Kagamine Rin
Spacelectro (music)
Niwatori (lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
愛してSugar aishite Sugar Love me, sugar.

見え透いた嘘とCassisで潤っていたいだけ Sugar miesuita uso to Cassis de uruotte itai dake Sugar I just want to be moistened with transparent lies and cassis, sugar.
乾ききった歯の裏で繋がっていたいだけ Sugar kawakikitta ha no ura de tsunagatte itai dake Sugar I just want to be connected at the back of the bone-dry teeth, sugar.

皮膚を裂いて醜いまま溺れたって良い hifu o saite minikui mama oboreta tte ii I might as well drown, as ugly as I am with my skin ripped.
舌を噛んで冷たい手が泡になっても shita o kande tsumetai te ga awa ni nattemo Even if I bite my tongue and my chilled hands become bubbles,
愛してSugar aishite Sugar Love me, sugar.

見え透いた嘘とCassisで潤っていたいだけ Sugar miesuita uso to Cassis de uruotte itai dake Sugar I just want to be moistened with transparent lies and cassis, sugar.
乾ききった歯の裏で繋がっていたいだけ Sugar kawakikitta ha no ura de tsunagatte itai dake Sugar I just want to be connected at the back of the bone-dry teeth, sugar.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.


This song was featured on the following albums:

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