Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Carlos Hakamada (カルロス袴田), also known as Size-P (サイゼP) and Dynamic the Ends (ダイナミック自演ズ, Dynamic Jienzu), is a Vocaloid producer and illustrator who debuted in May 2013. Primarily using Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una, his style is characterized by comic dialogue in the opening and interlude, playful commentary, and a liberal use of parodies.

In terms of his artist name, "Carlos" is derived from the name of Mexican musician Carlos Santana, while "Hakamada" is derived from from his real name.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"\Open World!!!/" (\オープンワールド!!!/)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Mar 9, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"Aa, Kamisama!" (あゝ、神様!) Yumemi Nemu Mar 28, 2017 illustration
"Baka o Yaru Nara" (バカをやるなら) Hatsune Miku May 5, 2017 illustration
"Beautiful Hype" (ビューティフルハイプ) Hatsune Miku Nov 25, 2013 music, lyrics
"Bokura no Dimension" (ぼくらのディメンション)
(MP3 Beyond the Dimension)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Oct 28, 2016 music, lyrics
"Bokura wa Kyou mo Atarashii!!!" (ぼくらはきょうもあたらしい!!!)
Otomachi Una (VOCALOID and VOICEROID) Dec 4, 2020 music, lyrics, video
"Chigau!!!" (ちがう!!!)
(We Are Different !!! (or Same))
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Nov 17, 2016 music, lyrics, illustration
"Famires Ikou yo" (ファミレスいこうよ)
(Let's Go To Family Restaurant)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Jan 30, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Genki de Ite ne." (元気でいてね。)
(Take care!)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Feb 24, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Gokugoku Giratto! 1000%" (極々ギラっと!1000%) Yumemi Nemu Apr 4, 2018 illustration
"Guruguru Taisou" (グルグル体操) Otomachi Una Dec 8, 2017 illustration
"Hajimatta Bakka da ze" (はじまったばっかだぜ)
(The Life Has Just Begun)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Mar 9, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Hey bomb" Otomachi Una Feb 20, 2021 illustration
"Ienai ya" (いえないや)
(Donate 2 Me)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Sep 23, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
Removed "Ikko to Hanbun" (いっことはんぶん) Otomachi Una Jun 8, 2017 guitar
"Isolater" (アイソレイター) Hatsune Miku Aug 4, 2013 music, lyrics
"Kabocha ni Natchatta!" (カボチャになっちゃった!)
(We've turned into the pumpkin!)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Oct 29, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Kanden Sasechau zo" (カンデンさせちゃうぞ) Otomachi Una Sep 14, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"Kimi wa Daijoubu" (きみはだいじょうぶ)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Jun 9, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Kimiiro Marine Snow" (君色マリンスノウ)
(Colorful Marine Snow)
Hatsune Miku Dec 28, 2021 music, lyrics
"Koko ni Iru tte!!!" (ココにいるって!!!)
(COKO is HERE!!!)
COKO Jan 9, 2023 music, lyrics
"Konna Mainichi Datte Uta ni Naru" (こんな毎日だってうたになる) Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Dec 30, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"Mammoth o Sodateyou" (マンモスをそだてよう)
(Let's have a mammoth)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Jun 9, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Mimimimic" (みみみみっく) Hatsune Miku Aug 31, 2021 music, lyrics, illustration
"Ningen Bakka" (人間ばっか)
(Only humanity)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Dec 19, 2016 music, lyrics, illustration
"OhSOS!!!" Hatsune Miku Oct 3, 2016 music, lyrics, illustration
"OIKAZE" IA Mar 17, 2017 guitar
"Otonari-sanchi no Universe" (おとなりさんちのユニバース)
(Universe Next Door)
SEKAI Feb 24, 2023 music, lyrics
"Rock and Roll Koukyoukyokudai 28-ban "Onsen"" (ロックンロール交響曲第28番『温泉』)
(Onsemian Rhapsody)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku May 17, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Rock'n'Roll de Iki o Shite" (ロックンロールで息をして)
(Rock'n'Rolling Breathing)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Jan 1, 2023 music, lyrics
"Sakura Once Again" (サクラワンサゲイン) Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Apr 29, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Sore de Ii" (それでいい)
(As You Are)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Dec 19, 2016 music, lyrics, illustration
"Suki..." (すき…)
(Su**i for You)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Jan 30, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Supermarket☆Fever" (スーパーマーケット☆フィーバー)
(Supermarket Fever)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Feb 24, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"Time Traveller!" (タイムトラベラー!) Hatsune Miku May 1, 2013 music, lyrics, illustration
"Tri〇k or Treat" (トリ〇クオアトリート) Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Oct 31, 2020 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Utawasete Master!!!" (うたわせてマスター!!!)
(Let Me Sing, Master!!!)
AI Otomachi Una Jun 23, 2023 music, lyrics
"vUnagi Nobore Victory!!!v" (vうなぎのぼれびくとりー!!!v)
Otomachi Una Nov 1, 2024 music, lyrics
"Yoru no Sukima" (夜のすきま)
(With a Yawning Moon)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Jul 30, 2021 music, lyrics
"Zenbu Matomete Shiawase ni Nareba Ii" (全部まとめてしあわせになればいい) Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Dec 11, 2020 music, lyrics
"∞まわる∞ (∞Mawaru∞)"
(The Rock'N'Roll Sushi Song)
Otomachi Una and Hatsune Miku Sep 23, 2017 music, lyrics, illustration
"☆.。・+すきなところ+・。.☆ (☆。・+Sukina Tokoro+・。☆)"
(I Love Your XXX)
Hatsune Miku and Otomachi Una Mar 9, 2018 music, lyrics


Affiliation Title
KARENT "KARENT presents Chaotic Oceans feat. Hatsune Miku" (KARENT presents Chaotic Oceans feat. 初音ミク)
"MONOCOLOR GIRL SUPERNOVA" (モノカラーガールスーパーノヴァ)
EXIT TUNES "Una-Chance! feat. Otomachi Una" (Una-Chance! feat.音街ウナ)
EXIT TUNES "Una-Chance!2 ft. Otomachi Una" (Una-Chance!2 feat.音街ウナ)