Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
Feb 26, 2018
Kagamine Len, KAITO, GUMI, and Hatsune Miku
Caprice (music, lyrics, illust, video)
YouTube Broadcast


A mission given to me by a person in my dreams
"If you make the world fun again, I'll grant your deepest desires"
An offer I can't refuse; it would soothe my greatest wants
But in crafting words to suit their needs, they had trapped me into something worse

Divinely ordained to do this by a god of unknown status
If I'd made the right decision, would I yet be doing the same thing?
Tired of useless pratter like philosophy and stuff
I set myself to doing this for I'm trapped in something impossible

An appeal, I think, is happening
You're at a crossroad made by this decision
Will you keep on going or turn away?
There's no real choice in that one's mind

So go, go, go to the center of it all
Is it true? Is it true that I'm just being used?
If all I've become is nothing but a pawn of their creation
Then I'll be practically dispensable

Oh, no, no, NO!
That's a horrid way to think!
Every day you're awake is another crossroad
If all you've become is nothing but a pawn of their creation
How is it that I can talk to you like so?

A message given to me by another in my dream
"If it looks like things are far too much, I can get you out of this mess"
An offer I shall refuse; it would tear my dreams apart
For in crafting words to suit my needs, they had trapped me into something good

Wait a second, something's up!
You're at a crossroad made by someone else's choice
Will you keep on going or turn around?
There's no real choice in going forth
Unless I've something to say

Unless you've something to say?

Hey, Goronü, why does it have to be
Everyone that you meet is another minion?
They may let you interfere, but anyone can do the same to you
Isn't that true?

No! I'm sure there's another way to go!
I should know! I should know there's another crossroad
If all you've become is nothing but a pawn of their creation
Do your job, 'cause you've already made your choice!
