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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
CLick cRack
Song title
"cLick cRack"
Original Upload Date
July 21, 2013
Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, GUMI, Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku
Giga-P (music)
Reol (lyrics)
Orebanana-P (tuning)
Rojiko (illustration)
Norainu (illustration)
Okiku (video)
340,000+ (NN), 470,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Singer Len Rin GUMI Luka Miku Rin & Len GUMI, Luka, Miku
Japanese Romaji English
夜行列車に乗り込んで yakou ressha ni norikonde Riding on the night train
目指すは僕らの「秘密」 mezasu wa bokura no "himitsu" We aim for our "secret"
愉快な仲間が待ってる yukai na nakama ga matteru Pleasant fellows wait for us
Welcome to Wonderland! Welcome to Wonderland! Welcome to Wonderland!
白い小鳥のダーリン shiroi kotori no daarin A darling white songbird
針の狂ったコンパス hari no kurutta konpasu A compass with its needle gone wild
迷わず全速前進 mayowazu zensoku zenshin Without getting lost, full speed ahead
得意げにほら鳴らせ! tokuige ni hora narase! Triumphantly, here, ring it!
Din・Don Din don Din don

口笛吹いて 意気揚々声上げて kuchibue fuite ikiyouyou koe agete Blow the whistle, raise our triumphant voices
軽快なステップで 辿りついたのは keikai na suteppu de tadoritsuita no wa With a light step, we have arrived at
さぁ手を取り合って 夜明けの来ないこの街 saa te o toriatte yoake no konai kono machi So, let's take each other's hand, this town where dawn does not come
Let’s dance, shout, and sing a song! Let’s dance, shout, and sing a song! Let’s dance, shout, and sing a song!

ここは koko wa This place is
内緒の御伽の国? naisho no otogi no kuni? A secret fairyland?
いいえここは iie koko wa No, this place is
とても楽しい totemo tanoshii Very fun
だって毎日がお祭り騒ぎ! datte mainichi ga omatsuri sawagi! So every day is a noisy festival

鏡写し飛び込んだ 緑のピエロに引かれ kagami utsushi tobikonda midori no piero ni hikare Jumping into a mirror, led by a green clown
奇怪な仲間と一緒に kikai na nakama to issho ni With strange companions, we
Drink a toast! Drink a toast! Drink a toast!
歌を歌って 酒を交わし無礼講 uta o utatte sake o kawashi bureikou Sing songs, drink alcohol, free and easy
今夜は特別dreaming 魔法みたいなFantasy night kon'ya wa tokubetsu dreaming mahou mitai na Fantasy night This is a special dreaming, a Fantasy night like magic
君たちの行き先は? 年をとらない秘密の国 kimitachi no ikisaki wa? toshi o toranai himitsu no kuni Your destination? A secret land that does not grow old
永遠に子供でいられる そんな Yes! Wonderland! eien ni kodomo de irareru sonna Yes! Wonderland! We can be children forever, this kind of, Yes! Wonderland!
星は煌めき 月も陽気に歌いだす hoshi wa kirameki tsuki mo youki ni utaidasu Glittering stars, the moon also cheerfully sings
迷わず全速前進 僕らだけの秘密 mayowazu zensoku zenshin bokura dake no himitsu Without getting lost, full speed ahead, a secret only between us
Din・Don Din Don Din Don

絶対主義?独裁主義? zettai shugi? dokusai shugi? Absolutism? Authoritarianism?
命令したら敬礼OK? meirei shitara keirei OK? If I command it, you'll bow, OK?
意のまま 思いのまま i no mama omoi no mama At will, as I please
皆が手を焼く mina ga te o yaku Everyone will be at loss
怒りの駒 admiration ikari no koma admiration Anger as I please, admiration
烈火の女王 怒りは心頭 rekka no jou ikari wa shinto A fiery queen, an angry heart
返事は Yes or Yes or Yes! henji wa Yes or Yes or Yes! You will reply "Yes or Yes or Yes!"
容赦ない女王様 youshanai joou-sama An unforgiving queen
わたしの縄張り とっとと出ておいき! watashi no nawabari totto to dete oiki! My territory, get out of it immediately!

歩幅を揃えて hohaba o soroete Gathering stride
みんなで列になって歩け! minna de retsu ni natte aruke! Everyone, get into a line and walk!
笑顔を合わせ ほら egao o awase hora Put on a happy face, here
秘密の国に辿りつく himitsu no kuni ni tadoritsuku We arrive at the secret country

僕の夢 boku no yume My dream
そうわたしの夢 sou watashi no yume My dream
きらきらなこの世界 kirakira na kono sekai How shiny, this world
子供のままでいたいんだ kodomo no mama de itai nda I wanna continue to be a child
素敵な仲間と suteki na nakama to With wonderful companions

だ け ど dakedo Even so
それはもうあなたのママには 会えないってことなのよ sore wa mou anata no mama ni wa aenai tte koto nano yo Like this, you won't meet your mama anymore
それはやだなだって ママが大好き sore wa yada na datte mama ga daisuki I don't want that, I love Mama
パパにも会えなくなっちゃうの? papa ni mo aenaku nacchau no? I won't meet Papa anymore too, right?
御伽の国でのお約束よ さぁどっちを選ぶの otogi no kuni de no oyakusoku yo saa docchi o erabu no A promise in the wonderland, well which will you choose?
どうしよう ねぇ どうしよう doushiyou? nee, doushiyou? What should we do? Hey, what should we do?
パパもママも大好き でも子供でいたいんだ だけど papa mo mama mo daisuki demo kodomo de itai nda dakedo I love Papa and Mama, but I wanna be a child, but
どうしよう ねぇ どうしよう doushiyou? nee, doushiyou? What should we do? Hey, what should we do?
時間がないわ 早くしないと迎えの列車が来る jikan ga nai wa hayaku shinai to mukae no ressha ga kuru There's no time left, if we don't hurry, the arriving train will come

夜行列車駅に着く 出発の時刻は 真夜中0時 yakou ressha eki ni tsuku shuppatsu noji kaku wa mayonaka reiji The night train arrives at the station, the depature time is 0 midnight
さぁどうするの? 次の世界の 扉が開かぬうちに この世界を飛び出して! saa dou suru no? tsugi no sekai no tobira ga hirakanu uchi ni kono sekai o tobidashite! So, what should we do? Before the door to the next world no longer opens, fly from this world!
行 こ う ! yukou! Let's go!

夜行列車に乗り込んで yakou ressha ni norikonde Riding on the night train
目指すは僕らの世界 mezasu wa bokura no sekai We aim for our world
暖かな家族が待ってる Well come back! I'm home! atataka na kazoku ga matteru Well come back! I'm home! A warm house and family awaits us, Well come back! I'm home!
賢い小鳥のダーリン 楽しそうに笑ってる kashikoi kotori no daarin tanoshisou ni waratteru A sagacious darling songbird, seems to be laughing happily
手を振って 出発進行 得意げにほら鳴らせ! te o futte shuppatsu shinkou tokuige ni hora narase! Wave our hands, depart and advance, sing with pride!
鏡写し飛び込んだ わんぱく双子の「秘密」 kagami utsushi tobikonda wanpaku futago no "himitsu" Coming out from the mirror, the two mischievous twins' "secret"
愉快な世界で皆 Drink a toast! DANCE DANCE DANCE yukai na sekai de minna Drink a toast! DANCE DANCE DANCE In a pleasant world, everyone Drink a toast! DANCE DANCE DANCE
星は煌めく 打ち鳴らす手と手の合図 hoshi wa kirameku uchi narasute to te no aizu The stars are shining, the signal of ringing hands
今夜は特別dreaming 魔法みたいなFantasy night kon'ya wa tokubetsu dreaming mahou mitai na Fantasy night This night is a special dreaming, a Fantasy night like magic

歌声高らかに utagoe takaraka ni With a high singing voice,
僕らの秘密の夜に 乾杯! bokura no himitsu no yoru ni kanpai! A toast to our secret night
まるで御伽噺のような そんな双子の「秘密」 marude otogibanashi no you na sonna futago no "himitsu" Just like a fairytale, the twins' "secret"
皆には内緒の 素敵で愉快な Fantasy night minna ni wa naisho no suteki de yukai na Fantasy night A secret to everyone, a lovely pleasant Fantasy night
星は煌く 今日はなんてFantasic hoshi wa kirameku kyou wa nante Fantastic The stars are shining, today is really Fantastic
星よ煌け 今日はそうさFantasic hoshi yo kirameke kyou wa sou sa Fantastic The stars, they're shining, today is Fantastic like so
さぁお話を始めよう saa ohanashi o hajimeyou So, let's start the story
さぁお話を始めよう saa ohanashi o hajimeyou So, let's start the story
さぁお話を始めましょう saa ohanashi o hajimemashou So, let us start the story
さぁ手をあげて cLick cRack saa te o agete cLick cRack So, raise our hands, cLick cRack

English translation by Tosiaki


This song was featured on the following albums:

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