Song title | |||
"CALLING" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 11, 2016 | |||
Singer | |||
Momone Momo Sekka Yufu (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
7,800+ (NN), 12,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
春の終わり、午前二時 | haru no owari, gozen niji | Around the end of spring, 2 in the morning. |
銀の電話線 辿り | gin no denwasen tadori | Following the silver telephone line |
やさしい月灯りに 導かれて | yasashii tsukiakari ni michibikarete | With the gentle moonlight guiding the way. |
夏の気配、午前二時 | natsu no kehai, gozen niji | With a hint of summer, 2 in the morning. |
言葉たちが目覚め出す | kotobatachi ga mezamedasu | The words have begun waking up. |
高鳴る鼓動が 刻むリズム | takanaru kodou kizamu rizumu | My racing heartbeat is tapping out the rhythm. |
いざなう回路 駆ける | izanau kairo kakeru | I’m sprinting along the inviting circuit. |
音色のステップ 何処へ続くの? | neiro no suteppu doko e tsuzuku no? | Where do these musical steps lead to? |
…そして出会うの その場所で | …soshite deau no sono basho de | …And then we’re going to meet there. |
遠い夢で聴いたメロディー | tooi yume de kiita merodii | A melody I heard within a faraway dream— |
描いて、奏でて | egaite, kanadete | paint it, play it. |
甘い指が歌を紡ぐの | amai yubi ga uta o tsumugu no | My sweet fingers are spinning the threads of songs— |
叶えて、奏でて | kanaete, kanadete | make them come true, play them. |
音楽を響かせて | ongaku o hibikasete | Bring on the music. |
English translation by Hazuki no Yume
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- pixiv - Illustration
- VocaDB
- Hazuki no Yume - Translation source