Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

bo en (ボーエン, Calum Bowen) is a producer who mainly makes songs featuring human singers. However, he occasionally uses UTAUs in his works.

He became very known for making the song "my time", which gained popularity after a pitched-up version of it was used for the RPG Video Game OMORI. Other notable songs of his are "pale machine" and "every day".


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"be okay" Utane Uta and bo en Sep 6, 2013 music, lyrics
"every day" Momone Momo and bo en Sep 6, 2013 arrange, music, lyrics, vocals
"friend" bo en, Utane Uta and Momone Momo Sep 6, 2013 music, lyrics
"miss you" Momone Momo and bo en May 11, 2013 music, lyrics, vocals
"my time" Utane Uta and bo en Aug 28, 2013 arrange, music, lyrics, vocals
"pale machine" Utane Uta, Momone Momo and bo en Sep 6, 2013 arrange, music, lyrics, vocals
"Winter Valentine" Momone Momo and Sekka Yufu Feb 13, 2013 music, lyrics
"Winter Valentine" bo en, Sekka Yufu and Momone Momo Sep 6, 2013 music, lyrics


Affiliation Title
"pale machine"