Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
November 3, 2010
Megurine Luka
YuchaP (music, lyrics)
DarvishP (guitar)
kaichi (mix, mastering)
Hatsuko (illustration, video)
Rocca (encode)
2,000,000+ (NN), 200,000+ (YT), 12,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint (Project Diva), subbed)


Japanese Romaji Official English
これから辞めるわ 『もう一回』 kore kara yameru wa "mou ikkai" I'm going to quit "Hit me"
ただ飽きたら捨てるわ 『もう一回』 tada akitara suteru wa "mou ikkai" Ditch it when you're sick of it "Hit me"
でもこれだけ試して 『もう一回』 demo kore dake tameshite "mou ikkai" Just try this one thing "Hit me"
気を引きたいだけの人 ki o hikitai dake no hito If you only want to get my attention

月夜を切裂く 赤い 雑音 ノイズ tsukiyo o kirisaku akai noizu Red noise sunders the moonlit night
叫んで 響いて 『もう一回』 sakende hibiite "mou ikkai" Shout it out, let it echo "Hit me"
ほら冷たい唇差し出して hora tsumetai kuchibiru sashidashite Come on, stick out those cold lips
嘘こぼれ出ちゃうかもね uso kobore dechau kamo ne I bet the lies will come spilling out

唐突にかざした感情 優劣に悩んだ干渉 toutotsu ni kazashita kanjou yuuretsu ni nayanda kanshou Emotions brandished without warning, intervention stressed over pros and cons
恍惚に照らした愛情 一人占めで koukotsu ni terashita aijou hitorijime de Love glowing with ecstasy, winner takes all
有限に気付いた反証 盲目に愛した代償 yuugen ni kizuita hanshou moumoku ni aishita daishou The contradiction that knows the limit, the price of loving blindly
全て壊して 狂いましょう subete kowashite kuruimashou Let's go mad and destroy it all

制約の犬に 今ナイフを突き刺して seiyaku no inu ni ima naifu o tsukisashite Stab a knife into the watchdogs right now
現実を睨む手前 『もう一回』 genjitsu o niramu temae "mou ikkai" Right before staring down reality "Hit me"
二十一の感情をただ吐き出しただけの nijuuichi no kanjou o tada hakidashita dake no Ah, this song just crawls along
這いずるだけの唄 haizuru dake no uta Belting out that feeling of hitting "21"

悠然に見出した絶望 必然に感付いた欲望 yuuzen ni midashita zetsubou hitsuzen ni kanzuita yokubou Casually discovered despair, inevitably realized hope
整然に片付いて消耗 今日も独り seizen ni katazuite shoumou kyou mo hitori Perfectly tidied attrition, I'm alone again today
雄弁に慣らされて服従 傲慢に逆らえず追従 yuuben ni narasarete fukujuu gouman ni sakaraezu tsuijuu Eloquently conditioned to obedience, unchallenged arrogance begats sycophancy
全て失くして subete nakushite I've lost everything

追いすぎた理想に 今刃物で切り裂かれ oisugita risou ni ima hamono de kirisakare The ideal I pursued too far shreds me with a knife
競争に沈む手前 『もう一回』 kyousou ni shizumu temae "mou ikkai" Right before the competition sinks me "Hit me"
二十二の現実にただ押し潰されただけの nijuuni no genjitsu ni tada oshitsubusareta dake no Ah, this is a song for the losers
敗北者の為の唄 haibokusha no tame no uta Crushed by the reality of "22"

English translation from Project DIVA F 2nd


This song was featured on the following albums:

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