! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"bet one's boots" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
May 10, 2021 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
3,400+ (NN), 1,400+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
“As if corroding you to the marrow of your bones.” A version by Kaname was also uploaded on YouTube. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
別れをとむる暇もない | wakare o tomuru itoma mo nai | I have no time to be reluctant to part. |
昨日の淵は今日の瀬 | kinou no fuchi wa kyou no se | The depths for yesterday are the shallows for today.[1][2] |
色も香も昔の濃さににほへども | iro mo kou mo mukashi no kosa ni nioedomo | The colour and the scent are as fragrant as they used to be,[3] |
あなたはもうここには来ないでせう | anata wa mou koko ni wa konai de shou | and yet you shall never come here. |
ashita ni yuube o hakarazu | In the morning, we do not think of the evening.[4] | |
諸人こぞりて 踊り祭れ | morobito kozorite odori matsure | All kinds of people now join to dance, join to celebrate. |
今宵逢ふ人はみなうつくしき | koyoi au hito wa mina utsukushiki | Every person I’m to meet tonight would be truly lovely…[5] |
浮世絵通じに夜の花 | ukiyo e tsuuji ni yoru no hana | An ukiyo-e connoisseur and a grande horizontale.[6] |
骨の髄まで溶かすような | hone no zui made tokasu you na | Seem to be completely into the gambling |
賭け事にご満悦 | kakegoto ni goman'etsu | that’s going to corrode you to the marrow of your bones. |
咲き乱れて雅な君 | sakimidarete miyabi na kimi | You were in full bloom, extremely elegant. |
心あらば | kokoro araba | If you had had a human heart then,[7] |
夢とこそいふべかりけれ | yume to koso iu bekari kere | you should’ve called it all a dream.[8] |
別れをとむる暇もない | wakare o tomuru itoma mo nai | I have no time to be reluctant to part. |
覚めぬまま | samenu mama | You aren’t awake yet. |
色も香も昔の濃さににほへども | iro mo kou mo mukashi no kosa ni nioedomo | The colour and the scent are as fragrant as they used to be, |
今宵逢ふ人はみなうつくしき | koyoi au hito wa mina utsukushiki | and yet every person I’m to meet tonight would be truly lovely… |
ashita ni yuube o hakarazu | In the morning, we do not think of the evening. | |
諸人こぞりて 踊り祭れ | morobito kozorite odori matsure | All kinds of people now join to dance, join to celebrate. |
今宵逢ふ人はみなうつくしき | koyoi au hito wa mina utsukushiki | Every person I’m to meet tonight would be truly lovely… |
浮世絵通じに夜の花 | ukiyo e tsuuji ni yoru no hana | An ukiyo-e connoisseur and a grande horizontale. |
骨の髄まで溶かすような | hone no zui made tokasu you na | Seem to be completely into the gambling |
賭け事にご満悦 | kakegoto ni goman'etsu | that’s going to corrode you to the marrow of your bones. |
咲き乱れて雅な君 | sakimidarete miyabi na kimi | You were in full bloom, extremely elegant. |
心あらば | kokoro araba | If you had had a human heart then, |
夢とこそいふべかりけれ | yume to koso iu bekari kere | you should’ve called it all a dream. |
浮世絵通じに夜の花 | ukiyo e tsuuji ni yoru no hana | An ukiyo-e connoisseur and a grande horizontale. |
骨の髄まで溶かすように | hone no zui made tokasu you ni | As if corroding you to the marrow of your bones… |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
Translation Notes
The lyrics seem to contain many references to tanka, Japanese poems.
- ↑ This can be a reference to no. 836 tanka of 古今和歌集 (Kokin Wakashu): 瀬をせけば淵となりてもよどみけり別れをとむるしがらみぞなき (lit. Even a swift stream may become a standing pool when we dam it up, but no weir exists to block someone going from this world. English translation taken from here)
- ↑ No. 933 of Kokin Wakashu: 世の中は何か常なる飛鳥川昨日の淵ぞ今日は瀬になる (lit. In this world of ours, what is there of constancy? Yesterday’s deep pool in the River of Tomorrow today becomes a rapid.)
- ↑ No. 851 of Kokin Wakashu: 色もかも昔の濃さに匂へども植ゑけむ人の影ぞ恋しき (lit. The hue is as rich and the perfume as fragrant as in days gone by, but how I long for a glimpse of the one who planted the tree.)
- ↑ A reference to 春秋左伝 (Zuo Zhuan. Wikisource). It refers to the situation where you don’t/can’t think about your future.
- ↑ A reference to a tanka sung by Akiko Yosano: 清水へ祇園をよぎる桜月夜こよひ逢ふ人みなうつくしき (lit. On the way from Gion to Kiyomizu Temple, amongst the blooming cherry trees on this moonlit night, everyone I’ve met is truly beautiful.)
- ↑ 夜の花, literally translated as “a night flower,” is sometimes a metaphor for a prostitute.
- ↑ Could be a reference to no. 26 tanka in Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, 小倉山峰のもみぢ葉心あらば今ひとたびのみゆき待たなむ (lit. If the maple leaves on Ogura mountain could only have hearts, they would longingly await the emperor’s pilgrimage.)
- ↑ No. 834 of Kokin Wakashu: 夢とこそいふべかりけれ世の中にうつつあるものと思ひけるかな (lit. I should have called it no more than a fleeting dream, yet it seemed to me to possess reality — this world in which we exist.)
External Links
- Google Drive - Instrumental and lyrics
- VocaDB
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source