Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

BerryVerrine (B.V) is an illustrator based in Tokyo who started their career around 2017. They have been commissioned by various companies and brands, and are responsible for character design, apparel design, CD jacket illustrations, and poster art.

In December 2022, they held their first solo exhibition, "U.V.W.," followed by the release of their commercial art book, "SPECTRUM," in January 2023.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Forward" Hatsune Miku Dec 11, 2020 illustration
"Game Boys&Game Girls" (ゲームボーイズ&ゲームガールズ) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Nov 18, 2020 illustration
"Illuminati" (イルミナティ) Hatsune Miku Oct 9, 2020 illustration
"Shocking Yellow" Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len May 16, 2020 illustration
"Speakeasy" (スピークイージー) Hatsune Miku Jan 2, 2021 illustration