Song title | |||
"BREAKER" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
August 13, 2015 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
1,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
いまBreak out不器用に生意気に | ima Break out bukiyou ni namaiki ni | Now break out and live |
生きてるくらいがちょうどいい | ikiteru kurai ga choudo ii | Clumsily and cheekily |
breaking through the fate | ||
心の中でいつも叫んでいたんだ | kokoro no naka de itsumo sakendeitanda | Always shouting in the inside of my heart. |
終わることない | owaru koto nai | My destiny full of games |
かけひきだらけmy desity | kakehiki darake my destiny | That won't end. |
くすんだ色の街の真ん中で | kusunda iro no machi no mannaka de | In the middle of this dull colored town |
どうやって夢 見つけられるの | douyatte yume mitsukerareru no | How can I find my dream |
so tight | ||
試されてるような現実から | tamesareteru you na genjitsu kara | This reality that seems like you are being tested. |
とがった態度 妥協したyourself | togatta taido dakyoushita yourself | Attitude on edge, yourself who has given in |
数え始めたらキリがないね | kazoehajimetara kiri ga nai ne | Once you start counting there's no end |
なんかこのご時世だから | nanka kono gojisei dakara | due to the times we are in now |
ちょっと疲れてるんじゃない | chotto tsukareterun ja nai? | aren't you a bit tired? |
いまBreak out自分を苦しめる | ima Break out jibun o kurushimeru | Now break out and just |
壁は壊してしまえばいい | kabe wa kowashite shimaeba ii | Break down the walls that have been tormenting you. |
最高のシナリオは | saikou no shinario wa | The best scenario |
そこに待ってる | soko ni matteru | Is waiting there for you |
そうBreaker生きるって難しく | sou Breaker ikiru tte muzukashiku | Yes as a Breaker there may be no need |
考える必要ないのかも | kangaeru hitsuyou nai no kamo | To think hard about living. |
神様かくれた | kamisama kakureta | Since it is a chance |
チャンスだから | chansu dakara | That God has hidden |
暗闇の中いま駆け抜ける | kurayami no naka ima kakenukeru | Run through now from the darkness |
孤独感じて フレームアウト | kodoku kanjite fureemuouto | Feel the isolation. Frame out |
but show your fate | ||
着飾っていたプライド捨ててみようよ | kikazatte ita puraido sutete miyou yo | Let us throw away the pride you wear. |
猛スピードで変わってく時代 | mou spiido de kawatteku jidai | The eras changing at great speed. |
追いつけなくて立ち止まっても | oitsukenakute tachidomatte mo | Even if you stand still because you can't catch up |
同じ早さで頑張る必要ないでしょう | onaji hayasa de ganbaru hitsuyou nai deshou | There's no need to try hard at the same speed. |
”当たり前”ってタチが悪いよね | "atarimae" tte tachi ga warui yo ne | "Of course"? well aren't you nasty. |
そうやって可能性潰されて | sou yatte kanousei tsubusarete | Just having your possibilities crushed like that |
Just now だから素直に | Just now dakara sunao ni | Since it's just now |
いまはなれなくていい | ima wa narenakute ii | It's ok if you can't be honest with yourself |
いまBreak out不器用に生意気に | ima Break out bukiyou ni namaiki ni | Now break out and live |
生きてるくらいがちょうどいい | ikiteru kurai ga choudo ii | Clumsily and cheekily |
なんだって構わない夢中になりたい | nandatte kamawanai muchuu ni naritai | Whatever it is, I don't care I just want to be absorbed into something |
そうBreaker 時代のせいにして | sou Breaker jidai no sei ni shite | There's no point if you give up |
諦めていたらしょうがない | akiramete itara shouganai | and blame the era of Breaker. |
子供のような輝く夢を | kodomo no you na kagayaku yume o | Now take that bright dream that a child would have |
忘れないようにいま刻み込む | wasurenai you ni ima kizamikomu | and carve it in yourself so you won't forget. |
いまBreak out不器用に生意気に | ima Break out bukiyou ni namaiki ni | Now break out and live |
生きてるくらいがちょうどいい | ikiteru kurai ga choudo ii | Clumsily and cheekily |
戦うべき相手は自分の心 | tatakau beki aite wa jibun no kokoro | What you must fight is your own heart |
だからBreaker不器用に生意気に | dakara Breaker bukiyou ni namaiki ni | That's why the image of |
生きてる姿はカッコイイ | ikiteru sugata wa kakkoii | A Breaker living clumsily and Cheekily is cool |
どんな場所にも明日は来るんだ | donna basho ni mo asu wa kurunda | In any place, tomorrow will come |
信じた強さ 負けたりしない | shinjita tsuyosa maketarishinai | The strength you believed in won't lose |
English translation by ItsPurin!