Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Blood); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
This song contains suspected AI-generated material (illustration).
The piercings on her left ear aren't properly drawn, with one of them even drawn over her hair, and her ears are inconsistent with each other. Hair strands are very incosistently drawn, especially her bangs, with part of them going over her left eye and some of them melting into her right eyelid. The teardrops and pupils are inconsistent.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki does not credit people who input prompts into text/image generators because it is impossible to verify that their work does not plagiarize from lyricists and visual artists. Please note that songs with AI-generated music are not hosted on the Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki.
Metamol BAN
Song title
Original Upload Date
March 18, 2023
Hanakuma Chifuyu
metamol (music, lyrics)
2,700+ (NN), 5,200+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions[]

Metamol BAN
metamol's self-cover
Upload date: March 22, 2023
Producer(s): metamol (music, lyrics)


Japanese Romaji
生活と遊びのバランスが取れない儘で腐っていく 其の seikatsu to asobi no baransu ga torenai mama de kusatte iku sono
なんで学ばない 気分屋も相当ね あぁ nande manabanai kibun'ya mo soutou ne aa

現実と理想を比べては自己嫌悪に陥っている 其の genjitsu to risou o kurabete wa jikoken'o ni ochiitte iru sono
なんて忙しない 落とし何処付けようね あぁ nante sewashinai otoshi doko tsukeyou ne aa

もう なんで 絡まっていった全部 mou nande karamatte itta zenbu
もういい加減にしてぇ mou iikagen ni shitee

下んないね BAN食らったって当然 O-E-O-E-O 飾って kudannai ne BAN kuratta tte touzen O-E-O-E-O kazatte
何者にも成れない様に 傷付かず傷付けぬ様に nanimono ni mo narenai you ni kizutsukazu kizutsukenu you ni

堪んないないね 面食らっちゃって呆然 O-E-O-E-O 構って tamannai nai ne menkuracchatte bouzen O-E-O-E-O kamatte
誰からも愛されぬ様に 価値を付けた海で溺れていろ darekara mo aisarenu you ni kachi o tsuketa umi de oborete iro


External Links[]

