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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Song title
Romaji: BAKU☆NEW Yuzuki Yukari
English: STACKED[1] Yuzuki Yukari
Original Upload Date
February 4, 2023
Yuzuki Yukari, Amy, Hatsune Miku, Kaai Yuki, Kagamine Len, KAITO, Ken, Kizuna Akari, kokone, MEIKO, Nekomura Iroha, Otomachi Una, SF-A2 miki, Xin Hua, COKO and KAFU
SLAVE.V-V-R (music, lyrics, video)
19,000+ (NN), 4,100+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (unlisted)


Singer Yukari Akari KAITO kokone Len Yuki KAFU Ken Amy MEIKO Una Miku COKO Iroha miki Xin Hua Chorus
Japanese Romaji English
此処は幻の獏が食い散らかした夢の跡 koko wa maboroshi no baku ga kuichirashita yume no ato Here are the traces of the dream that the phantom baku scarfed down.
空想は現実を忘れ真新しい夢に成る kuusou wa genjitsu o wasure maatarashii yume ni naru Fantasies forget about reality and become brand new dreams.
あどけなさを裏切って大胆さを手に入れて adokenasa o uragitte daitansa o te ni irete Double-crossing my innocence and getting my hands on audaciousness,
宛ら怪異の様に然し美しく変貌した sanagara kaii no you ni shikashi utsukushiku henbou shita I transformed monstrously yet beautifully.

鼓動までの距離が遠のいていく kodou made no kyori ga toonoite iku The distance to my heartbeat is extending.
急成長していく半円形は背徳の形をしている kyuuseichou shite iku hanenkei wa haitoku no katachi o shite iru My rapidly growing hemispheres are making a depraved shape.
こんな事は耐えられないって憤怒を顕にはしないで konna koto wa taerarenai tte fundo o arawa ni wa shinaide Don't expose your resentment with an "I can't take it!"
世界線は幾つもあるのさ 獏はそれを示してるだけさ sekaisen wa ikutsu mo aru no sa baku wa sore o shimeshiteru dake sa They've got plenty of world lines; the baku is just pointing that out.

紫のひともとは今 murasaki no hitomoto wa ima This violet cylinder is now
月に結ったかの様な張力 tsuki ni yutta ka no you na chouryoku As tense as though it had been fastened to the moon.[2]
挟まれば全お前が死ぬぜ hasamareba zen omae ga shinu ze If you're squashed between them, that's it, you're dead.
その死は幸福か この間こそが全てだ sono shi wa koufuku ka kono aida koso ga subete da And would that death be blissful? This gap is everything.
挟まってしまえばどうせ幸福だろう hasamatte shimaeba douse koufuku darou If you ended up squashed between them, I suppose you'd be over the moon.

Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky
あっあっああーっ! aaaaaaa! Aaaaaaa!


Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
第7のGの先にはイータ dainana no G no saki ni wa iita Beyond the seventh letter, G, is an H.[3]
Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
母性のユートピア bosei no yuutopia It's a utopia of mommy milkers!

All right

Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
零距離のアルファに曲線美を zero kyori no arufa ni kyokusenbi o May those board-flat A-cups share in these rocking curves.
Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
禁忌の扉を開く鍵なら此処にある kinki no tobira o hiraku kagi nara koko ni aru Here is the key to open up that taboo door.

You use key
You cull it[4]

「そうじゃない」って "sou ja nai" tte "That's not how it is," you say,
「それは違う」って "sore wa chigau" tte "That's wrong."
そんなの全部わかってる sonna no zenbu wakatteru I understand all of that.
それでも堕ちてしまったんだ soredemo ochite shimatta nda Nonetheless, I've fallen from grace
この虚ろな Baku-New World kono utsuro na Baku-New World Into this hollow world of big t-ts.

今だけは行ってみよう ima dake wa itte miyou I'll try going right now.
現実を忘れたこの世界で genjitsu o wasureta kono sekai de In this world that's forgotten reality,
知る由もなかった感情が待ってる shiru yoshi mo nakatta kanjou ga matteru Feelings I had no way of knowing about await me.

Go way Don’t hold Back This new way
この夢は間もなく覚めてしまう kono yume wa ma mo naku samete shimau I'll soon be shaken from this dream.
短命の中で健気に揺れている tanmei no naka de kenage ni yurete iru Life is short, so they're heroically shaking too.


さあ行くぜ saa iku ze C'mon, let's go!
Come sing with us!

Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
第7のGも破壊するイータ dainana no G mo hakai suru iita An H will even destroy the seventh letter, G.
Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
母なるユートピア hahanaru yuutopia It's a motherly utopia!

All right

Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
今だけはアルファに曲線美を ima dake wa arufa ni kyokusenbi o Now and now alone, give rocking curves to those A-cups—
Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
さあ揺れてしまえ saa yurete shimae C'mon, make 'em shake!

この目が覚めるまでのマターナル kono me ga sameru made no mataanaru They're so maternal until I open my eyes from sleep.
Go way! Don’t hold back! This new way!
この幻想に不要なものを淘汰しろ kono gensou ni fuyou na mono o touta shiro Weed out the unnecessary things from this fantasy!
Now open your door

You use key
You cull it
Oh you cull it
I’m sorry
It’s just a dream
Please forgive me just tonight


English translation by MeaningfulUsername

Translation Notes

  1. Assuming "BAKU☆NEW" is supposed to be 爆乳 (bakunyuu).
  2. "Fastened to the moon" (月に結った) is most likely to be a wordplay on Yukari's surname, Yuzuki (結月).
  3. イータ here means the Greek letter eta.
  4. Similar to these lines' usage in this song, it's pronounced like "Yuzuki Yukari."

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