Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Awashima (あわしま , Misuzu Nakamura) is an illustrator and animator. In the past, they primarily worked on music videos for n-buna, one of them is "Umiyuri Kaiteitan" which has reached 22 million views on YouTube. Awashima has transitioned into key roles as a movie director and web director within Team.IRO at OTOIRO, a creator company formed by DECO*27.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Bad Apple!!" Hatsune Miku and 25-ji, Nightcord de.
(unaffiliated cover)
May 4, 2024 direction, composite
"Blue Planet" (ブループラネット) Hatsune Miku Aug 31, 2023 composite director
"Dilemma" (ジレンマ) Hatsune Miku Mar 9, 2022 contributor
"GABI" Hatsune Miku Apr 19, 2024 direction
"Gekijou Ai Ka" (劇場愛歌) SF-A2 miki Feb 23, 2015 illustration
"Hana Furashi" (花降らし) Hatsune Miku May 07, 2016 illustration, movie
"IF" (イフ) Hatsune Miku May 8, 2022 director, illustration, composite
"Ima o Kakeru Shoujo" (今をかける少女)
(The Girl Who Leapt Present)
Hatsune Miku May 10, 2016 illustration, video
"Kanchigaisei Han Kiboushou" (勘違い性反希望症) Hatsune Miku Sep 4, 2020 animation
"Kimi no Se ni Notte Dokomade mo" (君の背に乗ってどこまでも) Aoki Lapis Nov 12, 2013 illustration, movie
"Mannequin" (マネキン) Hatsune Miku Mar 9, 2023 composite director
"Meru" (メリュー) Hatsune Miku May 12, 2015 video
"Mujin'eki" (無人駅) SF-A2 miki Jul 21, 2015 video
"Ojamamushi Ⅱ" (おじゃま虫Ⅱ)
(Stickybug Ⅱ)
Hatsune Miku Jun 25, 2021 director, key animator
"Omori no Sora" (おもりのそら) GUMI Sep 18, 2013 video
"Parasite" (パラサイト) Hatsune Miku Feb 7, 2022 contributor
"Present Snow" (プレゼントスノウ) VY1, GUMI and Hatsune Miku Jan 8, 2014 illustration
"Rabbit Hole" (ラビットホール) Hatsune Miku May 19, 2023 CG artist
"Raise" (レイズ) Hatsune Miku Jul 4, 2014 illustration, video
"Rapunzel" (ラプンツェル) Hatsune Miku Jul 6, 2016 video
"Rookie" (ルーキー) Hatsune Miku Mar 9, 2024 assistant
"Sayonara Bye-bye, Mata Itsuka" (さよならバイバイ、またいつか) Hatsune Miku Append Dark Dec 18, 2012 illustration, video
"Sayonara Wonder Noise" (さよならワンダーノイズ) Hatsune Miku Jun 4, 2013 illustration
"Shirayuki" (白ゆき) Hatsune Miku Mar 12, 2016 movie
"Toumei Elegy" (透明エレジー) GUMI Feb 19, 2013 illustration
"Umiyuri Kaiteitan" (ウミユリ海底譚) Hatsune Miku Feb 24, 2014 video
"Volt Tackle" (ボルテッカー) Hatsune Miku Sep 29, 2023 director
"Zombies" (ゾンビ) Hatsune Miku Jul 29, 2022 CG