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Awakened Voice
Song title
"Awakened Voice"
Original Upload Date
January 18, 2019
Hatsune Miku
DevilHunterXYZ (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast


Open up your soul and see the light
Darkness inside me
Feeling the sadness of
Losing what I cherish most of all

I don't want to ever forget
My voice will reach to the bright stars
Make my past a distant shadow
Look upon my burning spirit

I can now see
My mind is now opened
Thoughts are racing fast, and I don't know
Emptiness inside
Listen to my heart
All I want to do is sing my song

Let my voice speak out to your soul
Awaken now from this nightmare
Fill people's hearts with love and joy
Brighten the world, and let it shine

Rising the tension
Bring about the peace
Make sorrows go away forever
Restoring my faith
Make everyone happy
Hear my voice, and start to be reborn

External Links[]
