Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Aoris (青栗鼠) also known as Uwakoto (うわごと) is a producer who debuted in 2019 as a Sube-Ana Producer until 2022 they changed their identity we now known as Aoris with their song "Uro" as their supposed debut as a VOCALOID Producer.

He mainly uses Kaai Yuki for the vocals in his works. His third work, "Lotus Eater", marks the first time his work is inducted into the VOCALOID Hall of Fame.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Adayoru" (徒夜)
(Wasted nights)
Kaai Yuki Sep 19, 2021 music, lyrics, video
"Apocalypse Tokyo" (アポカリプス・トーキョー) Kaai Yuki Mar 19, 2023 music, lyrics, video
"Dependancer" (ディペンダンサー) Adachi Rei and Utane Uta Aug 4, 2023 music, lyrics, video
"Ephemeralism" (エフェメラリズム) Kaai Yuki Oct 13, 2021 music, lyrics
"Fatal Ego" (フェイタルエゴ) KAFU Jul 28, 2022 music, lyrics
"Lotus Eater" (ロータスイーター) Kaai Yuki Apr 23, 2021 music, lyrics, movie
"Uro" (ウロ) flower Apr 8, 2020 music, lyrics
"Uyuu Fuyuu" (烏有浮遊) Kaai Yuki Dec 24, 2022 music, lyrics, video
"Vanitas" (ヴァニタス) Kaai Yuki Apr 22, 2022 music, lyrics, video
".Zhānyǔᚋ" (.谵语ᚋ) Utane Uta Sep 13, 2019 music, lyrics
":Zhānyǔᚌ" (:谵语ᚌ) Utane Uta Dec 6, 2019 music, lyrics
Removed "∴Zhānyǔᚍ" (∴谵语ᚍ) Utane Uta Mar 1, 2020 music, lyrics