Song title | |||
"Angel's Wedge" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 5, 2009 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
4,400+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast | |||
! | ! |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
貴方の痕を貫く | anata no ato o tsuranuku | Piercing your scar, |
爛れた十字架は融けて砕け | tadareta juujika wa tokete kudake | The festered cross melts and crumbles. |
狂おしい貴方の叫び | kuruoshii anata no sakebi | Your scream is so maddening, |
頭の芯まで犯されて | atama no shin made okasarete | It violates me to the core of the brain. |
「自ら私が裁きの光を下してあげる」 | "mizukara watashi ga sabaki no hikari o kudashite ageru" | “I shall be the one to shed the light of judgment upon you.” |
白いその翼 | shiroi sono tsubasa | Until those white wings |
闇に堕ちる時までも | yami ni ochiru toki made mo | Fall into the darkness, |
奇跡の鼓動は | kiseki no kodou wa | The miraculous pulsation will be |
永久の光包む運命 | towa no hikari tsutsumu unmei | Fated to envelop eternal light. |
「燃え尽きろ」 | "moetsukiro" | “Burn to ashes!” |
振りかざした指先が | furikazashita yubisaki ga | Your fingers brushed the air, |
幻想の大地さえも | gensou no daichi sae mo | Burning up everything, |
焼いてしまう | yaite shimau | Even the illusory earth. |
崩れゆく貴方の身体 | kuzureyuku anata no karada | Your body is falling apart, |
塵となりて風に消ゆ | chiri to narite kaze ni kiyu | Becoming dust and blowing out. |
「自ら私が裁きの光を下してあげる」 | "mizukara watashi ga sabaki no hikari o kudashite ageru" | “I shall be the one to shed the light of judgment upon you.” |
黒いその翼 | kuroi sono tsubasa | Until those black wings |
天にかえる時までも | ten ni kaeru toki made mo | Go back to the heaven, |
悪夢の連鎖は | akumu no rensa wa | The chain of nightmares will be |
次の夢に繋ぐ幻 | tsugi no yume ni tsunagu maboroshi | An illusion leading to the next dream. |
白いその翼 | shiroi sono tsubasa | Until those white wings |
闇に堕ちる時までも | yami ni ochiru toki made mo | Fall into the darkness, |
悪夢の連鎖は | akumu no rensa wa | The chain of nightmares will be |
次の夢に繋ぐ幻 | tsugi no yume ni tsunagu maboroshi | An illusion leading to the next dream. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
External Links[]
- VocaDB
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source