Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

AnAnDangDing (安安淡定) is a producer from Taiwan who mainly uses Synthesizer V, particularly Eleanor Forte and AiKO. Besides Synthesizer V, they have also used Hatsune Miku. They have been active since 2018 and, as part of Minuet Works, did the arrangement for the original song "Futari no Oto", in 2019.

Their profile reads, "Currently, my greatest desire is not to starve to death before my channel gets popular. That's all."


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Alone" Eleanor Forte Aug 25, 2023 music
"Futari no Oto" (フタリノオト)
(Sound of You and Me)
Hatsune Miku Dec 22, 2019 arrangement
"Ho-I-Yan-Na" Eleanor Forte Jul 8, 2021 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Ho-I-Yan-Na" AiKO Feb 14, 2023 music, lyrics
"I'm Leaving Now" Eleanor Forte Apr 25, 2021 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Mèng de Shēngyīn" (夢的聲音) AiKO Dec 31, 2022 music, lyrics, tuning
"Nijiiro Land" (ニジイロランド)
(Colorful Land)
Hatsune Miku Apr 24, 2020 harmony
"Raining, Raining Day" Eleanor Forte Dec 31, 2019 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Re:Juunengoshi no Message" (Re : 十年越しのメッセージ) Hatsune Miku NT May 19, 2023 arrangement
"Sekia" Eleanor Forte Jul 8, 2021 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Tomo ni Aruite Iku" (共に歩いていく) Hatsune Miku NT Aug 31, 2023 arrangement
"Yīnwèi Wǒ Ài Nǐ" (因為我愛你) AiKO Feb 7, 2020 music, lyrics
"Void in my heart" Eleanor Forte Dec 19, 2021 music, lyrics
"W.A.N." Hatsune Miku Aug 31, 2021 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Yume no Michi" (ゆめのみち) Hatsune Miku Jun 4, 2021 arrangement


Affiliation Title
"East of Island"
Minuet Works "Futari no Oto" (フタリノオト)