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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Song title
Original Upload Date
March 26, 2014 (album release)
Hatsune Miku
DECO*27 (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


Japanese Romaji English
僕がダメになったら 君は言うでしょう boku ga dame ni nattara kimi wa iu desho Whenever I’m feeling down and out, you always tell me, right?
「我慢しないで、泣いていいでしょう?」 「gaman shinaide, naite ii desho?」 “Don’t hold back, it’s better to just cry, isn’t it?”
いいとこばかりじゃない 僕のことを ii toko bakari ja nai boku no koto o Though I come with quite a few flaws,
なんでか愛しちゃったんだね nande ka aishi chattanda ne You still found some way to fall in love with me, didn’t you?

遠い距離だって それがなんだ tooi kyori datte sore ga nanda So what if it’s a long distance? Like that matters
君しかいないと もう気付いたんだよ kimi shika inaito mou kizuitanda yo I’ve already realized there’s no one else for me

どうかどうか君は 変わらずにいてね douka douka kimi wa kawarazu ni ite ne I beg of you, I beg you, please stay just the way you are
僕の1番だよ 2番はいないよ boku no ichiban da yo niban wa inai yo You’re my number one, and no one can even come in second
約束をさせて 迎えに行くから yakusoku o sasete mukae ni iku kara Let’s make a promise, since I’ll surely come for you
その細い薬指はまだ空けといてよ sono hosoi kusuriyubi wa mada ake toite yo Keep that slender ring finger of yours open for me, OK?

君がダメになったら 僕は言うでしょう kimi ga dame ni nattara boku wa iudesho Whenever you’re feeling down and out, I always tell you, right?
「可愛い泣き顔、それがいいんでしょう?」 「kawaii nakigao, sore ga ii ndesho?」 You look so cute when you cry, that’s more than reason enough, right?
悪いところなんてない君は、バカだ waruitokoro nante nai kimi wa, baka da I can’t name a single flaw of yours, but you can still act like a dummy sometimes
たまにはケンカしたいのに tamani wa kenka shitai noni You could at least let us have an argument every once in awhile…

秘密にしようよ その時まで himitsu ni shiyou yo sonotoki made Let’s keep it a secret, until that time comes
ドレスに着替えた君が 泣いちゃう日まで doresu ni kigaeta kimi ga nai chau hi made Until the day I see your tear-streaked face in that dress you’ll change into

大掃除した 君が欲しくて daisouji shita kimi ga hoshikute Having cleaned things up, I wanted you so
毒占欲とか 振り翳してみた doku uranai yoku toka furikazashite mita I tried wielding this monopoisonous power over you
おじゃま虫だよ 君の僕だよ ojamamushi da yo kimi no boku da yo I’m your stickybug, the one for you

「初めまして。」 「hajimemashite.」 "Nice to meet you."

どうかどうか君は 変わらずにいてね douka douka kimi wa kawarazu ni ite ne I beg of you, please stay just the way you are
僕の1番だよ 2番はいないよ boku no ichiban da yo ni an wa inai yo You’re my number one, and no one can even come in second
約束をさせて 迎えに行くから yakusoku o sasete mukae ni ikukara Let’s make a promise, since I’ll surely come for you
その細い薬指はまだ空けといてよ sono hosoi kusuriyubi wa mada ake toite yo Keep that slender ring finger of yours open for me, OK?

どうかどうか僕を 変わらず愛してね douka douka boku o kawarazu itoshite ne I beg of you, I beg of you, just keep loving me the way you do
君の一番がいい 二番も僕のもの kimi no ichiban ga ii niban mo boku no mono I want to be your number one, and make sure I claim 2nd place too
二人でいること 確かめさせてよ futari de iru koto tashikame sasete yo Just let me verify once more the fact that we’re meant to be together,
今、口移しであげよう この想いを全部 ima, kuchiutsushi de ageyou kono omoi o zenbu Right now, I’ll pass them to you mouth-to-mouth, all these feelings of mine

息を 息を 僕が預かろう iki o iki o boku ga azukarou I’m gonna borrow this breath of yours for a bit…

お揃いになった 僕らならば osoroi ni natta bokura naraba For the two of us who are just meant to be
何があったって もう離れられないよ nani ga atta tte mou hanarerarenai yo No matter what happens, nothing will ever pull us apart

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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