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Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Amplifier osanzi
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 11, 2019
Hatsune Miku
Osanzi (music, lyrics, illustration)
3,000+ (NN), 8,300+ (YT), 4,700+ (SC)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
想いのピースで 君の心はもう溢れてしまいそう omoi no piisu de kimi no kokoro wa mou afurete shimaisou It looks like your heart is already completely overflowing with the pieces of your feelings
だけど組み合わせ方 dakedo kumiawasekata But as for making them whole,
はてと わからないまま往生て hate to wakaranai mama oujoute In the end, you're stuck not knowing how to do it

心で奏でたメロディ kokoro de kanadeta merodi The melody that your heart played
君だけの音色を kimi dake no neiro o Your own tone
今から本物にしてあげるから放って ima kara honmono ni shite ageru kara hanatte From now on, I'll turn it real for you, so let go of it

笑うふりして 誤魔化すのはもう warau furi shite gomakasu no wa mou Though you pretend to laugh, I hear that you've already
疲れたんだって tsukareta nda tte Grown tired of the deception
隠れて見えた君の瞳 ときめき待っていた kakurete mieta kimi no hitomi tokimeki matte ita Your eyes that looked hidden were excitedly waiting

心で奏でたメロディ kokoro de kanadeta merodi The melody that your heart played
君だけの音色を kimi dake no neiro o Your own tone
今から本物にしてあげるから放って ima kara honmono ni shite ageru kara hanatte From now on, I'll turn it real, so let go of it

English translation by Anonymous


This song was featured on the following albums:

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