Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Amime Kirin (アミメキリン) is a producer who excels in tuning, manipulating, and DJing. He is most known for his tuning styles especially for the Kuriyama Yuri genre of music. He first met Kuriyama Yuri just before posting "ONE OFF MIND", and since then, they've collaborated on various music projects. Upon meeting Kuriyama Yuri, they bonded over discussions on VOCALOID and electro swing.

Initially, he only listened to classical and big band music. His introduction to VOCALOID scene came through an anime radio program, which sparked his curiosity and led him to experiment with DTM.

Currently, he goes by "Koh Hashikura" (端倉 鑛) for activities with Van de Shop.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Anaphylaxie" (アナフィラキシー) Hatsune Miku Oct 13, 2021 tuning
"Ato no Matsuri" (後の祭) Hatsune Miku Jan 1, 2018 tuning
"Dizzy Dizzy" (ディジーディジー) flower Aug 31, 2020 tuning
"Fading ghost" Hatsune Miku Mar 3, 2018 tuning
"Filament Fever" (フィラメントフィーバー) Hatsune Miku and MEIKO Nov 29, 2023 brass arrangement, tuning
"GLEAM NEON" Hatsune Miku Jan 2, 2017 tuning
"HAPPY SHAPE" Hatsune Miku and GUMI Aug 21, 2017 tuning
"Hyu~dorodoro" (ひゅ〜どろどろ) Hatsune Miku and MEIKO Feb 9, 2024 tuning
"Jitterbug" (ジターバグ) Hatsune Miku and MEIKO Oct 13, 2019 tuning
"Kokorobanashi" (こころばなし)
(Festival of the Weaver)
Hatsune Miku Jul 7, 2020 voice manipulator
"Limelight" (ライムライト) GUMI Nov 12, 2017 tuning
"Nagareboshi" (ナガレボシ)
(shooting star)
Hatsune Miku Dec 17, 2020 tuning
"Neurose" (ノイローゼ) flower Apr 8, 2019 tuning
"Nuiguchi" (縫口) flower Dec 1, 2018 tuning
"ONE OFF MIND" Hatsune Miku and GUMI Feb 14, 2016 tuning
"Ope" (オペ) flower Nov 3, 2019 voice manipulator
"OXYPETALUM" Hatsune Miku Feb 7, 2017 tuning
"Placebo" (プラシーボ) Hatsune Miku Feb 12, 2019 arrangement
"Precious Junk" (プレシャスジャンク) Hatsune Miku and GUMI Oct 29, 2018 tuning
"Purple Hype" (パープルハイプ) flower Feb 14, 2021 tuning
"RECEPTION" (レセプション) flower Nov 26, 2021 music
"Ringo to Zakuro" (林檎と柘榴)
(Apple and Pomegranate)
Ci flower Apr 6, 2023 tuning
"Secret Sleuth" Hatsune Miku Jun 27, 2019 tuning
"Seikousei" (双光星) IA Apr 21, 2017 tuning
"Senkou Hanabi" (閃光花火) Hatsune Miku Aug 6, 2017 tuning
"Shabon" (シャボン)
Hatsune Miku May 29, 2019 tuning
"Silver Twins" (シルバーツインズ) flower and KAFU Oct 7, 2022 brass arrangement
"Suiren no Machi" (睡蓮の街)
(A Town in Water Lily)
Hatsune Miku Jul 11, 2020 tuning
"Tadaima" (ただいま) Hatsune Miku Mar 28, 2021 tuning
"Yesman" (イヱスマン) Hatsune Miku and flower Jun 24, 2020 Miku's tuning
"Yoyoi no Yoi" (世余威ノ宵) Hatsune Miku May 14, 2018 tuning
"Yume no Ame" (ユメノアメ) Hatsune Miku Apr 30, 2017 tuning
"Zoetrope" (ゾートロープ) flower Aug 16, 2020 tuning


Affiliation Title
"Anaphylaxie Bee"
KARENT "Multi End"