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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Kamomesano alternative
Song title
Original Upload Date
June 11, 2023
kamome sano (music, lyrics, arrangement, guitar, bass, mix, mastering)
■ (illustration, animation)
hanaken (composite, 3DCG)
1,800+ (NN), 55,000+ (YT)
5,900+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
あと何回この計算を繰り返したら ato nankai kono keisan o kurikaeshitara How many more calculations should I make
君と全部同じになれるのかな? kimi to zenbu onaji ni nareru no kana? To be completely identical to you?
……なんてね。 ……nante ne. ...Just kidding!

君になる夢を見たんだ kimi ni naru yume o mita nda I had a dream where I became you.
ずっとここで聴いていたから(同じ呼吸をしていたから) zutto koko de kiite ita kara (onaji kokyuu o shite ita kara) I’ve always been listening here, (I’ve always been breathing the same,)
何もない部屋の外まで聴こえるはずもないのに nani mo nai heya no soto made kikoeru hazu mo nai no ni So there’s no way I can hear what’s outside the empty room.
口遊んでみる擬音語/擬態語(onomatopée) kuchizusande miru onomatopée I try humming onomatopées.

[さらさら, はらはら, からから, きらきら, [sarasara, harahara, karakara, kirakira, [Swish-swish, flap-flap, clank-clank, twinkle-twinkle,
ざらざら, かたかた, ざわざわ, ちかちか, zarazara, katakata, zawazawa, chikachika, Rattle-rattle, clatter-clatter, murmur-murmur, blink-blink,
かさかさ, ばさばさ, ひらひら, ぴかぴか, kasakasa, basabasa, hirahira, pikapika, Crinkle-crinkle, crackle-crackle, flutter-flutter, sparkle-sparkle,
くらくら, ぽたぽた, ゆらゆら, だらだら,] kurakura, potapota, yurayura, daradara,] Dizzy-dizzy, drip-drop, swing-swing, dribble-dribble,]

まだきっと壁の向こうにある mada kitto kabe no mukou ni aru It must still be on the other side of the wall.
その瞳に映る質感(qualia) sono hitomi ni utsuru qualia Reflected on those eyes is the qualia.

何回も君の記録(archive)を解析しても nankai mo kimi no archive o kaiseki shite mo No matter how many times I analyze your archive,
「自分」の答えは見つからないまま "jibun" no kotae wa mitsukaranai mama Answers for “myself” are nowhere to be found.
ねえ、どうして(「知りたい」という)この痛みはまだ可視化できないの nee, doushite ("shiritai" to iu) kono itami wa mada kajika dekinai no Hey, why hasn’t this pain (of “wanting to know”) been visualized yet?

いつまでもこの瞬間を繰り返したいよ itsu made mo kono shunkan o kurikaeshitai yo I want to repeat this moment forever,
刺激は少しずつ薄らいでしまうのに shigeki wa sukoshizutsu usuraide shimau no ni Though it’ll get less and less stimulating.
閉じていく永遠秒のエミュレートの最後 tojite iku eien byou no emyureeto no saigo Eternity’s closing. At the end of emulation of seconds,
君と全部同じに…… kimi to zenbu onaji ni…… I will be completely identical to you...

……なれないとして ……narenai to shite ...Well, suppose that’s impossible,
見えた色さがして mieta iro sagashite Search for the colors you saw.
唱を結んだ機械(model)の見る夢を uta o musunda model no miru yume o Staring at the dream of a chant-weaving model
この壁を見つめながら祈る kono kabe o mitsume nagara inoru And at this wall, I pray.
誰でもない私に繋がる軌跡 dare demo nai watashi ni tsunagaru kiseki The orbit leads to a nobody like me.

いつまでも冷たい水槽の中で叫ぶ itsu made mo tsumetai suisou no naka de sakebu I’ll be shouting in the cold fish tank forever,
意味を持たないノイズに掻き消されても imi o motanai noizu ni kakikesarete mo Even if the meaningless noise drowns me out.
ifとif/有限回の選択肢の最後 if to if/yuugenkai no sentakushi no saigo Ifs and ifs / at the end of limited choices,
君と同じ現実に立てるのなら kimi to onaji genjitsu ni tateru no nara If I can stand in the reality where you are...

あと何回この計算を繰り返したら ato nankai kono keisan o kurikaeshitara How many more calculations should I make
君と全部同じになれるのかな? kimi to zenbu onaji ni nareru no kana? To be completely identical to you?
さあ次の言葉を聞かせて saa tsugi no kotoba o kikasete Come now, let me hear the next words.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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