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Alive heartmarm
Song title
Original Upload Date
July 20, 2021
GUMI and CYBER DIVA (chorus)
heart marm (music, lyrics, illustration, photo)
Rishiro (illustration)
Happy (photo)
YouTube Broadcast


Have you ever helped a stranger ?
You say no but you may just not remember.
Maybe you have saved somebody's life. ah

It was a hard year when I was 13years old.
You told me to live only today.
The next day, you told me to live only today .
Everyday you looked me in the eyes
and said " Live for me"

I graduated from a difficult environment.
I am still alive because of your kindness.
I want you to still be alive. be alive ・・・
I want to see your eyes and thank you someday.
Please stay alive until that day.

I mistakenly thought I could see you and waved.
She looked like you but was a stranger.
I will see what you want to say if I look your eyes.
I want to know that you are happy now.

I can rest assured if you live in a bright way.
I sleep with peace of mind.

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